Chapter 2: background

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I woke up the next morning feeling gross and not nearly as satisfied as I should be. Memories flooded back into my head from last night, and I smiled into the feathery pillow.


"Darling, relax, you're doing just fine,"

she whispered in my ear as I tried to keep a steady pace with my thrusts. She moaned, and I felt goosebumps travel up my exposed arms. It felt so good being with someone again, but something was missing. I just tossed that thought out of my head and continued to stay in the moment.

"I'm not nervous,"

I explained between deep kisses. I stroked her long hair and traced my hand

Down her slim body, mapping the fine curves with my tongue. After we both came down from our high, I smiled as she curled into my side.

"Can you get me outta these?"

I jangled my wrist, which was held captive by fuzzy handcuffs. Apparently, she was into this kind of kinky shit. I, however, was not. Once I situated myself into the warm welcoming covers of my bed, I rolled over so my back was to her and stared out the fogged up glass of my window. The moon was undoubtedly up by now, illuminating the dark night with beams of silver and white. I was tempted to roll over and ask Jay if she wanted to go star gazing, but I don't think that's something you ask of a girl you just met, especially at a bar. She did tap me on the shoulder, though, before I could contemplate falling asleep. I rolled over, and her face was right there beside mine. Her eyes were two glowing orbs, floating in the abyss of darkness that was my bedroom. I gulped at the intensity of her gaze as she brought up her tiny, manicured hand up to cup my face.

"I'm the one,"

she said quietly as her thumb absently started rubbing soothing circles around my jaw.

"I don't understand."

"You don't have to. Just know that you don't have to look anymore."

With that she leaned in to kiss me once more before rolling over to the edge of the bed and left me to my thoughts.

Flashback over...

She had told me, with honesty and love swimming in her eyes, that she was the one; that I didn't have to search anymore for someone I couldn't find, and I believed her. I believed her with everything I had. No more searching on dating sites or at bars full of no lifers. I was free from the restraints of singularity, and it felt... Odd.

"Jay and Dan."

I tried our names together, but the texture felt odd and unappealing. I guessed it just took time to know someone before they begin to feel like home. I wracked my brain for what most romantic couples do in the morning, so I could wake her up sweetly and begin our journey together. I supposed a simple kiss on the forehead would do, so I leaned over to kiss her.

My face fell straight onto the mattress, without passing through any body. I felt confused for a minute, thinking that maybe she turned into a ghost, and I couldn't touch her ever again. The thought made me sad for a minute. How could someone stand being with someone, if they didn't have all senses to enjoy their company with? I'm stupid because that is definitely not what happened here. I frantically searched around the bed for a sign of struggle or at least a ransom note. If my lady was taken, I was gonna get her back. All I needed was a cape, super powers, and amazing hair... Dan what are you saying? She obviously left. I looked around my apartment and confirmed that, yes she had left. I can't believe I seriously thought I had something going with a hooker.

"Well Dan, you've just reached the low of all lows,"

I said to the air. Like the air even cares what I think.

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