Chapter 3: Oslar Coffee

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Perhaps it was the chilly weather that suggested I go out for a decent cup of coffee, or maybe it was destiny herself pushing me in that direction. Either way, there will never be a day where I won't thank my past self for overcoming laziness and social anxiety enough to make it out of that apartment.

I walked down the shabby staircase that interiorized my cheap, dilapidated apartment building, and courteously waved to old Ms. Trevor who never minded her own business. Nevertheless, I painted a big, fake smile on my face and continued walking down the hall and out the door. Once the cold autumn air reached my face, I cringed and almost ducked back inside because I forgot how much I hate the outdoors. I scuffled my old, grey converse through the dried up leaves that littered the sidewalk, and kept my eyes facing downward because my purpose for walking was not to make friends.

I didn't want another loner to approach me and get acquainted enough to take me to a bar. I've been to too many bars, and every person I meet claims to be "the one," but they're gone the next morning. No, I didn't want any of that, I just wanted a cup of coffee. The streets of Wokingham were relatively empty, except for the average pedestrians, staring into windows of shops and the occasional business men. It was the perfect day to stop for coffee without getting noticed. I suddenly arrived at the front door of the fine establishment known as, Osler Coffee, and quickly entered before the wind could mess up my hobbit hair any more. It was early morning, and I had debated whether I should attempt to look approachable but quickly discarded the notion. Besides, I'm not going to be "picking up chicks anyway," so to speak. The shop was so dimly lit, I had to squint to see the menu, which was proudly tacked to the wall behind the smiling waiter. Candles littered the place, and I guess it was to give the place a romantic glow. But in actuality it just creeped me out. I ordered a large peppermint flavored coffee, and escorted myself to a vacant corner where I promptly sat down on the cushioned bench. As I sipped slowly at the minty beverage, my eyes wandered around the environment until they landed on a creepy picture on the wall in front of me. The picture portrayed a young couple smiling too widely at a cup of tea in front of them, but their eyes clearly told a different story. I was beginning to enjoy the smooth quiet that settled in the small coffee shop, as my eyes slowly closed to experience the peaceful atmosphere to its full extent. I must have dozed off because the next thing I know, I'm staring at a brightly lit room full of chattering people and a cold cup of half full coffee. Also, there was a small, thin girl, with smiling eyes, staring at me from the seat across me. When she realized I was awake, she smiled warmly and offered her hand. I glanced at it suspiciously before finally grasping it in mine and shaking.

"My name's Jamie. You don't know me, but I've been watching you sleep for the last twenty minutes,"

she stated brightly. I quickly detached my hand from hers and stared at her cautiously, while narrowing my eyes.

"Also, this was the only seat not taken."

She laughed lightly and began stirring her hot chocolate that was placed neatly in front of her. I smiled shyly at her and nodded,

"I'm Dan and socially awkward enough to fall asleep in public."

"Well Dan, it's three in the afternoon. Did you not get sleep last night?"

I shook my head and jokingly knocked my head on the table,

"I just have problems that keep me up all night."

She lowered her voice into a whisper,

"let's pretend I'm not the creepy girl you just met, and why don't you tell me all your problems. Let me be your psychologist, your armrest, your support cushion, your-,"

I held a hand over her mouth before she could continue and chuckled,

"fine have it your way. Just please stop talking."

She rested her head on her arms and fluttered her eyelashes.

"I have these things that i like to refer to as an existential crisis. They're when I overthink life and it's many meanings,"

I looked at her facial expression to see if she lacked interest, but she continued to look enthralled by the tale I was about to tell.

"Anyway, I've always wanted a perfect, normal life, one with a wife, two children, and a white picket fence, the whole nine yards, but lately I've been realizing, I'm not going to get that. It's kinda throwing me off a bit because I don't know what I'm doing with my life,"

I stared down at the table realizing, I just confessed one of the deepest thought to a complete stranger. Way to go Howell. I looked up after memorizing the design on the wooden table, and tried to figure out what she thought. Her face was a mixture of compassion and something else I couldn't recognize.

"Dan, life is full of twists and turns. That's just how life is. Even if things don't go as planned, I'm sure you'll eventually be happy."

She smiled and gave my shoulder a comforting shake, then went to get up. I grabbed her arm quickly and desperately asked,

"where are you going? I don't even know your last name."

She laughed and left the table not even looking back. I sighed and took one last taste from my coffee before deciding it was too cold. This just isn't your week Dan, is it? I bitterly shook my head and made to exit, but then something pink entered my eyesight. I looked closely at it and realized she had written her number in pink scrawling letters on her napkin and had signed her name at the bottom with a winky face. I smiled to myself and tripped on the fancy rug placed in the middle of the tiny shop. Everyone watched me as I awkwardly and nervously made my way out. I felt like I was on cloud nine; like I was in my own little world as I started home. She gave me her number.

She gave me her number! I had a chance to woo her; to make her mine, and it was only the first date. Well, technically it wasn't a date, but who cares? Maybe this week wouldn't turn out to be bad at all. I was so deep in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice when I approached my apartment building. As I entered the door and sifted through the halls, my excitement began to bubble over. When I finally closed my door behind me, I let out an excited squeal (manly scream) and fell face first onto my blue couch. After dealing with my excitement, I attempted to make myself a half-asses meal and took it with me to the inviting couch. After getting comfortable with my laptop, I began to scroll through tumblr, willing the time to go faster. I mean, you can't text her right after you meet her. Right? A knock sounded at the door, and I jumped up enthusiastically. Even though she has no idea where I live, I hoped it was her. When I opened the heavy door, I had to try to hold in my disappointment, for it was Ms. Trevor and not Jamie.

"Are you okay? I heard a scream,"

she said while peering around my messy house.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just excited,"

I was getting a little irritated.

"Ooh what're you excited abo-"

she didn't get to finish her sentence because I slammed the door on her. Stupid Ms. Trevor and her nosy ways never cease to get on my nerves.

"That's okay, I can tell you're busy. I'll just come back tomorrow,"

came her muffled response. After a while, I went to look for my phone, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so I began sorting through the numerous pairs of skinny jeans that covered the rug. I didn't even know what color it was anymore. Finally after what seemed like hours, I emerged from the piles, holding my phone, victoriously. I took out the napkin from my back pocket and typed the number into my phone. I debated whether I should send the message, but quickly decided YOLO. I typed in, "I still don't know your last name,"

and waited for her reply.

Hours passed, and I felt insane.

What if she was joking around, and that wasn't really her number. What if she never liked me. After overthinking everything, I threw my phone on the chair across from me, and I accepted my fate as a loveless loser. While I was feeling bad for myself, the phone vibrated, and I practically leapt off the couch to retrieve it. I took a deep breath before reading it and smiled to myself. "Lester, my last name is Lester :)"

Ooh, sound familiar? xoxo. Anyway, i'll be updating sometime again this week, so don't come after me with pitchforks!! Patience, young grasshopper:)


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