The contest

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Chapter 16:

I have been performing for the past two months with the boys and now were on a break.

"Hey babe got your stuff packed?" Luke asked.


"You excited?"

"To be alone at my house?"

"Right about that I was sorta kinda wondering if maybe you would maybe want to come home with me but I mean you don't have to I mean if you want to be alone then-" he asked nervously and akwardly.

I smashed my lips into his and he kisses back after recovering. We pull back and he smiles.

"So that's a yes?" he asks smiling.

"I want to say yes but...." I drag on making him worried. "I like hearing you ramble" I smile.

He picks me up spinning me around. I giggle and smiles.

"I'll never get tired of that giggle" he laughs.

I giggle again and he laughs.

I am really excited to go with him but I'm nervous his parents will hate me.

Wish me luck

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