The contest

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Chapter 41:

Today was a normal cheery day just like the rest. Then I got my period. Damn!

Now I'm sitting uncomfortably on my bed waiting the 10 minutes until I have to pee again. This sucks to be quite honest not to mention I only have 4 more pads left and I'm living with guys!

"Hey babe how's it going" Luke walks in all cheery.

"Leave me alone" I groan.

"Jesus what has you all cranky today?"

"Do I really have to tell you?"

"Yes you do" he smiles.

"My monthly gift?"

"Excuse me?"

"Uhhh every 4 weeks?"


"My monthly gift from mother nature?"

"Just spit it out!"

"It's my fucking period Jesus Christ!"

"Oh I uhh be right back!" he says and runs out.

I roll my eyes and lay down. I pull out my phone and go on it for 20 minutes waiting for Luke to come back.


"Still in here" I say wrapped up in my blankets clutching my stomach.

"I have some gifts" he says with a bag of stuff.

"First I have pads and tampons. I have Both because I have no fucking idea which you use, next I have packets of hot chocolate and tea because apperently that makes it better? I also have chocolate because I mean what else does every girl want. Also ice cream but I have strawberry and mint chocolate and cookies and cream because I don't know what kind you like and then I got you medicine for your cramps" he smiles at the end setting all of it out of the bag.

"Awww thank you" I say and hug him tight.

"No problem I know how bad this week will be" he smiles at me.


I stand up and grab the tampons and pads.

"I'm going to bathroom and I'm going to need these"

He laughs and then I do my buisness then put then away in the bathroom cabinet.

I go back in my room and Luke has black tea on my side table and a pill next to it. Then he has the chocolates next to those and the ice cream container that is cookies and cream opened with 2 spoons. He is too sweet.

I take the pills with my tea and I did instantly feel better. I eat one chocolate bar and Luke walked in.

"How's my girl?"

"Better thanks to you"

"My pleasure"

I sit down and we eat the cookies and cream ice cream together then I lay down with my head on his chest.

"It really sucks to have your period doesn't it?"

"More than you can imagine" I groan.

I making some animal noise and I grab my lower stomach where a bad cramp is.

"Let me help" he says.

"With a cramp?"

He nods and then I move my hands and cringe at how bad it hurts.

He starts massaging my lower stomach and it feels good.

I sigh in relief and he smiles.

"I told you I could help"

"Thank you soooo much"

"Stop saying thank you I mean this sucks for you so I'm helping"

"And I thank you for that"

I groan realizing I just thanked him again. He just laughs and soon I fall asleep.

I think Luke is the one.

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