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"Where's Ivar?"

"How would I know where that handicap is?" Elaine snapped

"Calm down, it's just a question," Eva retorted.

Eva grabbed her hoodie from the couch and walked out the door. Eva hadn't seen Ivar in a few days and she was getting anxious. She didn't want to come off clingy, but she had a weird feeling that something wasn't right.

Since the ball, things between the two stayed normal except for the fact that Ivar was flirty and more affectionate than usual. Ivar never failed to ask permission to sleep in Eva's bed nightly, but Ivar was learning just how stubborn she could be. Eva wasn't willing to ever test the waters, she knew what sharing a bed could potentially lead to and teenage pregnancy was not on her bucket list.

Eva had her future planned out, once she was to graduate she would move out of home and into her own apartment. She was going to take a gap year to work and travel. Then after a year, she would attend a university to study to become a psychologist, during that period of time she was to adopt a kitten to keep her company. That was her original plan but now she couldn't see her life without Ivar in it, and she was going to squish him into her plans somehow if he was willing to go with.

Eva was happy to say that they hadn't had a single argument since before the ball, which was a mission in its self. She was definitely enjoying the peace while it lasted, despite having to listen to Ivar and Elaine bickering all the time. Some things just wouldn't change and Eva had just accepted it.

As Eva was walking up to Nicks apartment, Avery walked out of his.

"Hey Eve's," Ivar hated that Avery had decided to give his girl a nickname.

When Ivar heard about their 'date' that Avery had pressured Eva into, Avery learnt that night to keep his feelings at bay. Eva had told Joseph to keep it to himself because she knew that Ivar would make a big deal out of nothing. But Joseph could hardly keep a secret to save his life. The night before Eva was going to 'hangout' with Avery, he made it his priority to visit him.

"Keep your filthy hands off Eva, if I find out you tried to make a move on my woman," Ivar sneered, "this dagger won't be sitting at your neck... it will be buried deep inside your chest!"

Avery took the warning very seriously, but his desire to get to know Eva didn't let Ivar's threats stop him.

"Hey Avery, Ivar isn't at Nicks is he?"

"Oh no, they're having training sessions at the farm," he replied.

"What farm?"

"Come, I'll show you."


Avery parked the car, they were on private property, that much Eva knew.

"Who the heck owns this land? and how did Ivar manage to pay for it?" her voice full of unbelief.

"This is Nicks uncles land, he's some rich dude I forgot his name," he replied.

"He's rich alright," she muttered.

'First Ivars, flash as sui generis wheelchair and now this?' she thought 'who the heck is this man?'

"Follow me, just over this hill they'll be training," he pointed over his shoulder. "His uncle even has massive stadium lights put in, just for the classes Ivar does."

Eva was about to question him when she heard clashing of mental on mental. Curiosity got to her and she ran the short hill to see what was going on. Just after the hill, it led down into a little valley of paddocks. On the first paddock, there were men who definitely looked like warriors training for war.

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