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Here was the honest truth. 

They all had no idea where Ivar the boneless was actually born. There were no records on the internet and they even called different Viking museums but they had no idea.

Ivar had never seen a map of the world before, he couldn't pinpoint where Kattegat was on the world map. 

Kattegat on the world map was only a sea, but there were records that his father came from Uppsala, Sweden. 

The world had changed dramatically since the 8th century and Eva had felt the need to constantly remind him that his homeland would not look the same as he remembered it.

 Only Nick and Eva knew that this trip was for Ivar to find his home, but everyone else was here for the ride. 

While they tried their best to find out where Ivar Lothbrok was actually born, they kept on exploring and enjoying the different cultures and cities. They travel to all the mainlands that Vikings originated from First Denmark, then Sweden and Norway. But the countries were so big that they couldn't discover all the hidden gems within them.

Even though they couldn't find the exact location of where Ivar was from, Ivar had to admit that he enjoyed his time in his homeland. The accents were very familiar, not exactly the same as his, but close enough. 

They had met people who also spoke his Old Norse, to say Ivar was stoked about speaking his native tongue would be an understatement. He asked about what had happened to his people and to their language and why things had changed. The people replied simply that times had changed and everything else Eva had already explained to him. 

After landing in Norway Ivar had finally given up on his plans. He secretly wanted to go back to Kattegat to get it back without an army. He knew he was intelligent enough to do it on his own with the help of a few. But he was learning that the world had changed, and the ways he once knew wouldn't make much of an impact it once did when he was born. 

It had now been four weeks since they had left New Zealand and things were starting to fizzle out. At the start, everyone was excited and happy to be on vacation. But now that it had been four weeks in constant company, things were definitely getting tense between some people. 

There were constant arguments on what to do and where to go because they had only limited time in each country. Though that was mainly between Elaine, Joseph, Nick and Avery, Eva was fine with wherever and Ivar was just happy as long as Eva was by his side. 

Then there were moments of jealousy, though Avery had been warned by Ivar he couldn't help but gravitate towards Eva every chance he saw her not stuck to Ivar. He didn't exactly flirt, but he didn't have to his body language said it all. That caused a few arguments and even fist throwing at one point. Ivar threatened to kill Avery if he kept stepping over the line and Avery kept claiming innocent. Joseph, as usual, loved the entertainment but Nick was quite frankly sick of it and wanted to kick Avery's arse back home. 

What they didn't expect was Elaine's jealousy. Elaine never said it outright but she was a bitch to Eva sometimes for no apparent reason. Everyone but Avery could see that Elaine was jealous of the attention he was giving Eva and not herself. But when Elaine would start to bitch at her sister, Ivar was quick to shut her down.

"This was not how I imagined this trip to be," Eva sighed

"It was those two idiots who invited themselves who has been causing all the trouble," Nick spat, "we should let them do their own thing." 

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