Chapter One

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picture of Michael on the side xx -- update: apparently this picture disappeared years ago, sprung a 300 comment debate, and it's been so long that I don't remember who's face I used. Hope that clears things up, lol 

Maria's POV
17 years old

"Mariaaa!!! get your ass up out of bed!" My brother blake called from outside my door " and for god's sake don't make me late!"

stupid fucking brother waking me up. I had only gotten about four hours of sleep last night, as it was 3AM when I was finally able to put down the book I was reading. I got out of bed and groggily went into the bathroom, stripping down and jumping into the shower. The smell of my coconut shampoo paired with the hot water soothed my aching head and body, mostly. As I toweled off and started getting ready, I thought to myself, it's the first day of senior year. Soon I'd be done with the hell hole we call high school and off into the world of college. I pulled out my black leather leggings and a cute white studded shirt from my closet. Matching it with my black and white sneaker heels. I parted my hair in the middle and made a braid on each side, tying it together at the back. I grabbed my laptop and headed downstairs.

"Maria! Alec! come on! can't you understand that if I'm late one more day I'm screwed?!" Blake yelled at me and my other, younger brother.

"don't get your panties in a wad, I'm ready." I replied. After grabbing two muffins off the counter for Alec and I, the three of us hurried into Blake's sleek convertible and were on our way to school. "you are so lucky you aren't in high school anymore" I grumbled as we passed the edge of our territory. "agreed" Alec said

"don't I know it!" he laughed. Windbrook High was a nice public school that the Silver Crescent and Blood Moon packs shared. Although our packs were enemies, we rarely fought, just acted like the other pack was gum under our shoe. Annoying, and definitely there, but lesser than us and easy to ignore. Immediately after Blake dropped me off, my best friend Michael came up to me. Michael and I had been friends since middle school, when we bonded over our hate for Mrs Kraft, a creepy middle aged math teacher who hated both of us with passion. To every girl in school except me, Michael was this sexy, mysterious bad boy football player. With his coal black hair and baby blue eyes, he was definitely attractive. It was the fact that I was the only girl he was ever seen with that baffled the student body. Little did they know that he was actually just in the closet, wouldn't expect a football player to be, right?

"hey babe" he said, draping his arm lazily over my shoulder. Most people in our pack thought that Michael and I were dating, or at least sleeping together. But the guy was like my brother, and like I said, we played for the same team. "have you heard the news?" he asked, eyes sparkling. This would now probably be a good time to say that Michael was a sucker for gossip.

"no I haven't, enlighten me oh prince of gossip!" I teased

He leaned into my neck and whispered in my ear "since Silver Crescent's new alpha came into power, he decided to do his senior year here! My god he's swoon worthy I tell you! Grey eyes, brown hair... He's the definition of a lean mean, sex machine!" he gushed "and even better, HE'S UNMATED!!!"

"down boy!" I laughed "He's probably the hugest player slash dick head on the planet, forget about him, he's the enemy"

"ugh! you always have to ruin my fun." he pouted

"that's my job!" I leaned over and kissed his cheek, hearing a loud growl from the other side of the parking lot. I looked over, only to see a gorgeous boy glaring at me and Michael. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place him. My wolf Sandy was saying something to me, but I was too busy looking at him to listen to her. When his eyes met mine, I realized I'd been caught checking him out. He smirked and I turned away, blushing. "thats him isn't it?" I asked

"dear lord he's so gorgeous, and he might as well be eye-raping you with the way he's looking... oh well, my fantasies are crushed, he's straight." He pouted again

"hahah aww babe it's ok" I kissed him on the cheek and the alpha growled again. "what's stuck up his ass.." I mumbled, pulling Michael into the office with me.

After we had gotten our schedules and compared classes, we walked off to first period English, room 207. It was one of the four subjects we shared. We scurried into class, giggling over some guy we had just saw with extremely tight pants, and sat next to each other in the second row. As always, Michael took the window seat. We sat around for a while chatting while the class filled up. It was a relatively small class, twelve or thirteen people in it, most of which I knew from my classes last year. Fortunately, my lab partner from last year, Arron, a cute guy with sandy blond hair and a knack for flirting, sat on the other side of me.

"Hey Maria" He grinned a megawatt smile

"Hi Arron!" I grinned and gave him a hug.

At that moment, the door burst open, and in strode the one and only hot alpha. If I thought from far away he was gorgeous, from close up he was mouth watering. His gray eyes were piercing, they seemed to look into my soul. His hair had that sexy 'I just rolled out of bed' look. He was tall, much taller than my petite 5'6frame. Probably around 6'6.. His tight black V neck stuck to his chest, showing the outline of an eight pack, and biceps thicker than my head. He had a sharp, defined jaw, lightly coated with stubble. Match that with his perfect surfer boy tan and only two words came to mind; sex and god. My wolf was begging me to pounce on him and I had no idea why. I tuned out for a minute to hear what she was saying, but something pulled me out of my thoughts.

"like what you see princess?" the sexiest, most melodic voice ever said to me.

Well shit.


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