Chapter 1

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He hears screaming from the floor near him. It isn't different than all days when the hottest and most amazing guy went to school and walked through the halls. The girls screamed. The boys screamed. Everybody loves him. No exceptions. It doesn't matter if teacher, student or anyone else. Everybody loves Jack. Jack Harkness. Jack is not only really hot with his amazing brown hair and his beautiful and thrilling blue-grey-ish eyes, he is also the nicest and most human-loving human.
He walks to the lockers in the main floor where everybody went before classes started. His gang always with him. On the right side Ianto Jones. His best friend. Brown-blonde hair and ice-blue eyes. Nobody has ever seen those two not together. There are rumours they have a relationship. Nobody knows.
On Jacks left side the girl in the clique. Donna Noble. Ginger hair and green eyes. She isn't that sporty as Jack and she's actually a bit chubby. Everybody wonders how she got in that clique. But Donna is funny. The most sassy human being in this world and nevertheless almost everyone likes her.
Those three walked to Iantos locker in the back of the floor and everyone was happy when the screaming got quieter and then stopped.

I lean against the wall, waiting for my friends. They are late today. I don't know what to do so I pull out my phone and check my new messages. I hadn't time this morning, rushing all through my morning routine and even skipped breakfast. I should have set more alarms.

"Hey Sherlock", Sherlock turned to his left to see his friend who looked at him cute and insecure.
"Oh hey Jim", he looked down at the smaller boy to his left to see Jim Moriarty with a huge smile on his face, glancing at Sherlock.
"What's up? Why are you smiling?" Sherlock gestured to Jim in confusion.
"Oh, eh, nothing. Just happy to be not the last one here as every day." Jim answered but it doesn't convince Sherlock.
"Ya, right. Where is Greg? Did he text you or say something?"
"No, Greg sent me a message this morning but it was nothing important. Just another very beautiful selfie of him."The sarcasm in Jim's last sentence was becahse of his giggle really clear.

They didn't have to say a lot, they were both genius, they understood each other without talking.
Also they both don't like talking because everybody understands them nevertheless they did to be nice. So they both "talked" with a kind of sign language. Nobody was really sure what kind it was. If it was the normal sign language for deaf people or something different. Something they have self created. Nobody knew.

Sherlock just laughed and shaked his head slightly, looking in another direction. Where he, to his surprise, saw Greg walking down the floor straight in Sherlock's and Jim's direction.
"Oh, there he is, our selfie queen", Sherlock murmured with a laugh to Jim.
"Hey guys"
"Hey Gregory", the friends said in line.
"Why so late?" Sherlock wondered with a curious face.
"Couldn't find my keys" Greg answered monotone.

They didn't have to say a lot, they were both genius, they understood each other without talking.
Also they didn't like talking because everybody understood them. So they both "talked" with a kind of sign language. Nobody was really sure what kind it was. If it was the normal sign languages for deaf people or something different. Something they have self created. Nobody knew.

The three friends walked down the main floor to their next class. They had English together in first period.
To the surprise of all of them the door was locked and Mr. Robert, the English teacher, wasn't even near.
Greg and Sherlock leaned against the wall and Jim stand in front of them.
"Where is he? With his girlfriend again or what?" Jim said in confusion.
"Does he have one?" Greg responded.
"No he doesn't have one. He's with Mrs. H in her room talking about Doctor Who again." Sherlock said with a boring and straight voice as if it was the most normal and obvious answer.
Greg glanced over to Jim but the latter doesn't notice the look because he stared at Sherlock.
"Oh, right. I forgot." Jim murmured just to convince Sherlock that he knew it.
"No you didn't know it. Getting a bit slow Jimmy, what's wrong?" Sherlock laughed at him and Jim looked away.

After five minutes Mr. Robert finally came to his room and opened the door. At his side a blonde young guy. Probably in the age of Sherlock and his friends. No. Definitely in the same age. He looked different to all those other people in this school with his cotton pullover and those jeans.
The whole class went in side and sat down in their seats. Greg and Jim beside each other Sherlock alone in the back.

"Here we go guys, this is your new classmate be nice to him he just moved here some days ago." Mr. Robert said to the class.
"Would you mind introducing yourself?" He glanced over to the young guy standing there quite helpless and not knowing what to do.
"Ah, eh, ya hey I'm John. John Watson."
"Alright John just take a seat and we go right in with some new material."
John looked at him insecure after he saw that there's no free desk in the class.
Mr. Robert saw that too after some time.
"Alright ehm, Greg would you mind to go to Mrs. Hudson with John and asking for another chair to put in this room?" It wasn't even a question.
Greg stood up from his seat, one last smile at Jim and went with John outside the classroom.

They walked several meters without speaking until Greg finally broke the silence.
"I'm Greg. Greg Lestrade." He said with a smile on his face to encourage John.
"I'm John. John Watson."
"Ya, I know you already said that. Nice to meet you John."
"The pleasure is on me, Greg." John smiled at the boy next to him.
They got the desk and the English lesson was quite boring. Not that Mr. Robert isn't a good teacher he just didn't talk about something new and interesting. Not even Sherlock and Jim paid attention. Well, they actually never really do because they already know all the stuff. The bell rang and the students all rushed out of the classroom and ran to their next lesson. For Greg that was Biology. Sherlock and Jim had Math together.
The rest of the morning was boring as always nothing really happened, nothing was new or special. Even the good teachers lessons were boring today.
When the last bell rang and it was lunch time Sherlock ran to Jim's locker where they always met. Greg stood there and already waited, Jim came from the other side and opened his locker to grab his lunch box while Sherlock finally arrived and leaned at the locker next to Jim's.
"How was Biology Greg?" Sherlock asked curiously.
"Boring as always Sherlock."
That was enough conversation for now and the three guys went to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

They got a table near a window where nobody sat and they put their bags and books next to them to eat lunch together.
"Did something special happen?" Jim asked in sign language.
"Absolutely not" Sherlock gestured back.
"Well guys you know humans got mouths and a voice to talk and I could finally understand what you guys are talking about. In my opinion that's really unfair that you won't teach me that language it could be very helpful. Like our secret language only we three understand. It's not only a genius thing you know?" Greg interrupted them, glancing an annoyed look at his friends. Sherlock and Jim just laughed.
"Ya okay Greg we stop. Why don't you ask John over there to come here and eat with us lunch." Sherlock gestured over to John, who sat alone at a table in the corner.
Without any reply or look at Sherlock or Jim Greg made his way through the cafeteria to ask John if he would like to eat with them. After some words John stood up and walked with Greg over to their table.
"Hey guys, I'm John"
"My name is Sherlock Holmes"
"Jim Moriarty. Hi"
"I'm Greg again for the opportunity you forgot" Greg said with a smile towards John.

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