Chapter 3

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Hey guys I'm sorry this is a very short chapter and actually it's not finished but I wanted to publish something even though I don't have a lot time at the moment and I kinda have a blockade or whatever now I'm so sorry but anyway enjoy this very short and unfinished Chapter 3


After warming up some pasta from the other day and slightly burning my thumb because of the hot bowl I went upstairs in my room to do some school work and get ready for my date tonight.
While I started to chose the clothes I wanted to wear I also started thinking about Sherlock.
Why would he go to the park with me? Just me and him? I didn't even know if he was straight or not? Or if he even liked me that way? Maybe this is all a joke for him? But no, it didn't seem like that and Sherlock wouldn't do that... would he? Maybe the way he is in school is only a mask? How is he when he's alone? How is he when he's out from the territory where you can get bullied because of one little unimportant thing?
I chose a black jeans, a white button-down shirt and a black cardigan.
I looked over at the clock, still in my thoughts, to see how much time was left. 5:35pm. I'll meet Sherlock at six. I probably have to walk 15 minutes to the park. I grabbed my wallet and my phone and walked in the kitchen to grab a small paper to leave my mum a message.

I'm out with friends. Won't be back before 10.
Jim x

I rushed to the wardrobe to grab my dark grey coat and my shoes and put both on.
After exiting the house I stood there for a moment and closed my eyes to breathe the fresh and cool autumn air. My whole body relaxed and my mind was clear for some seconds.
While I walked down the street my whole body shaked and my heart beat raced, thinking about the boy I was going to meet. My best friend. Sherlock Holmes. But for me he was more than my best friend. He was my everything. I could tell him everything and he didn't judge me. He could tell me everything and I didn't judge him. We understood each other without talking and we were always there for another no matter what. He was the reason why I liked school. The reason why I socialized. And I risked all that only because I felt a bit more for him than just normal friendship feelings. Only because I couldn't hide it anymore to be just his best friend. I wanted more than that and I absolutely wasn't sure if I had destroyed our whole friendship with that.

Sunken in thoughts I walked through the corner and there I saw him. Sherlock Holmes. The guy I love since 7th grade. He stood there with his long coat and his black curly hair.
I shut my eyes for one moment to take a deep breath but I didn't stop walking.
"Hey Jimmy" Sherlock smiled at me.
I smiled back at him. "Hey Sherlock, nice to see you."
"So, what is this going to be? What are we going to do?" Sherlock asked curious.
"Oh, I just thought we can walk around in the park and eat something. There are some food trucks on the other side."
Sherlock nodded and we started to walk slowly, both not knowing what to do or what to say, in an awkward silence the first meters.
I was sure he thought I'm a complete maniac and after that night he will never speak to me again or look at me with that smile and those beautiful eyes.
"You seem nervous Jimmy."
Oh Lord, Sherlock if you knew I'm dying inside because I'm unbelievable nervous.
"Yeah, ehm, I am a bit nervous." I tried to answer in a normal voice without stuttering.
"Really? Why? We are friends for so long, you probably know me better than anyone else in this world, why are you nervous when we do something as friends?"
In my head were over one million thoughts and I wasn't able to put them in the right order. I felt my head blushing and I sweated.
"Jim? Are you alright?"
"Ah Yeah, I'm fine." 
"So why are you nervous?"
"Well, Sherlock..... probably because, ehm, how should I say it, probably because you are more than a friend to me."
"What? What do you mean?"
"Now you're getting a bit slow Sherlock. So before you never get it..." , I took a deep breath and looked at Sherlock, "I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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