Chapter 2

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Hey I just wanted to say Hello to everyone who's reading my story. I know it's not that interesting at the moment but it just started so give me some time I've got big plans and I wanted to say that I don't know where I can publish Chapter 3 because I already wrote a part but I don't have a lot time the next days so yeah I'm sorry for that. Anyways I'm really happy that you're reading this and feel free to vote and comment.
For your health drink two litres water a day and enjoy Chapter Two.


I woke up from a woman's loud screaming voice coming from downstairs. I felt exhausted and absolutely not good. I looked over to the small table next to my bed to see the clock. 7:15am. Dammit. I jumped out of my bed, creased over and felt straight together with my bed sheet on the floor. A quiet sound of pain came out of my mouth. I closed my eyes and sighed. After five minutes I finally stood up and made my way to the bathroom to shower and get ready in less than 15 minutes.
I sprinted downstairs to find my angry and annoyed mother waiting for me in the kitchen.
"Didn't you hear the alarm or why are you so late? You know you should be in school in five minutes!"
"Sorry mum." I apologized and grabbed my lunch box to put it in my bag and walked out of the kitchen to take my jacket.
"See you tonight mum." Was the last sentence I said before I rushed out of the house and made my way to the school.
I tried to forget what happened at home and focused on what could happen in school.
I will see my friends again. And I will see Sherlock again. The corners of my mouth went upwards at the moment I thought of Sherlock. Of his black curly hair and his beautiful blue-green-greyish eyes. I lost myself every time I looked in his eyes. I forgot the whole world around me and the only important human at this moment was Sherlock. I thought of his long legs when he leaned again my locker and his cute and charming smile.
I walked through the doors and made my way to my locker to see that my friends already waited there for me. Sherlock in black trousers and a dark blue bottom-up shirt. His black, long coat holding in his arm and his bag next to him. It was engrossing to see how he stood there and talked with a smile to the boy next to him. Greg. Greg just wore as always blue jeans and a dark greyish T-Shirt with an unimportant imprint.

"Hey Sherlock. Hey Greg."
"Hey Jim. Overslept again?" Sherlock asked with a smile.
I answered his question with a normal "Yap" popping the "p" at the end. We stood there for some more minutes until we decided to go to our first period classroom.
We were engrossed in a conversation about the solar system and why we shouldn't drink the water that was found on Mars when we heard a voice screaming Greg's name.
We turned around and saw a blonde boy in a beige hoodie running to us.
"Oh hey John" we answered.
"Wanna come with us?" Sherlock asked friendly and now four boys walked down the main floor to Mr. Robert's classroom.
We sat down. Greg and me next to each other and Sherlock and John somewhere in the back next to each other.
Mr. Robert started with his lesson and I started daydreaming about nothing else than Sherlock Holmes and his fascinating cheekbones and bow-shaped soft lips.
How must it be to touch his gleaming, pale skin and stroke with my hand down to his jawline.
To put my other hand in his black curly hair and stroke through them. I started smiling enormously and my heart beat raced. He was so fascinating. So beautiful. How can a single human being be so much of perfection.
The bell rang and the class rushed outside the classroom to get to their next period. So did my friends and I. Greg to Biology, John to who knows where and Sherlock and I made our way to Mr. Smith's classroom.
Our hands slightly touched and I heard a quiet giggle. I looked over to Sherlock who stared at me and I realised that giggle came out of my mouth. I looked in the other direction and the rest of the way we walked in silence.

"Ah Mr. Holmes, Jim. Good to see you two I need your help." Mr. Smith, the math teacher, said, striking a wisp of hair out of his face. "I forgot an experiment and some of my books in Mrs. Song's classroom would you two mind going there and bring them here? We will start some new material today and I wouldn't like if any of my students would miss something of it but I'm sure you two wouldn't learn anything anyway." Mr. Smith smiled at us and Sherlock and I walked without saying anything only a nod out of the room.

As we made our way to Mrs. Song's classroom at the other side of the building Sherlock started laughing.
"So, what was that giggle earlier?" He asked glancing over at me and I felt that my cheeks went red.
"Oh, Eh, nothing I just giggled. Is that something bad or why are you asking?" I stuttered back trying to convince him with that answer. Sherlock laughed even harder after that but didn't say a word.
After math class ended I had two more lessons.
Spanish in 3rd period together with Greg and Physics in 4th period alone. Both classes were quite boring even though I learned in Physics how to unlock a door with only a paperclip. Not that I didn't already know that but the teacher explained it actually really funny.
After Physics ended I sprinted to my locker to find Sherlock and John there waiting for me. Greg joined some seconds later and I opened my locker to grab my lunch box and we went to the cafeteria.
"How was Chemistry? Learned something interesting?" I gestured in Sherlocks direction.
"Well no nothing we don't already know" Sherlock gestured back.
"Okay guys that was weird. What the hell was that?" John asked us with a very confused look on his face.
Greg just giggled next to me and looked away to show us that we have to explain it.
"Well, ehm" Sherlock started.
"It's a kind of sign language Sherlock and I use because we are bored by normal talking." I helped Sherlock to explain it to John.
"Ehm, okay. Are you two, ehm, like genius or something like that?" John wanted to know.
"Ya." Sherlock and I answered in line.
Greg sat next to me all the time smiling to himself and now and then giggling.
"Alright, I'm taking that as very normal and nothing special thing." John added. And the rest of the lunch time we sat in silence or talked about teachers or nothing important.
Every now and then I glanced over to Sherlock to see that beautiful boy eating some biscuits.
The 5th and 6th period weren't that boring. In 5th period we all four had History together. Mrs. Song, our teacher, explained us some stuff about World War One, sounds boring but it was actually really interesting because she managed it to keep always an open ear for everyone and now and then made some fun with us.
6th period was Astronomy, only me and Sherlock. I didn't notice a lot from the lesson because I was too nervous because of the young beautiful guy sitting next to me and striking with his hands through his black curly hair.
I glanced over to Sherlock and suddenly he looked at me too. I got lost in his beautiful and fascinating eyes but I managed it to look away before he saw how I blushed.
"Sherlock, eh, I- I wanted to ask if, ehm, if you would like to, I don't know, meet after school and do something together?" I stuttered towards Sherlock insecure.
"Why?" Sherlocks answer was short and monotone.
"I don't know I think friends do that." I fastly replied.
"Oh. Okay. Ya, what do you want to do? Did you already ask Greg and John?" Sherlock muttered to not make the teacher suspicious.
"Eh, I actually thought only we two could do something together, maybe we could go to the park or something like that."
"Oh so you mean like a, like a date?"
I blushed but said nothing.
Sherlock smiled at me and finally agreed that we can meet tonight.

Not Normal at all (Teenlock/Wholock)Where stories live. Discover now