Group Chat

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Casey's POV

Casey somehow survived his first two classes. 

They were really boring because all the teacher did was go on and on about "school rules" and "protocols" and "paying attention."Casey didn't listen and spent the entire time drawing in his notebook that was supposed to be used for taking notes. The only thing that Casey knew that he was good at was drawing. It just came naturally to him, and it was calming. It was the one thing that he knew that he had no matter what.

 After his third class, in which he was yelled at twice for not paying attention, he trudged to the lunch room. He looked around and saw Gregg sitting with two other kids. One of them wore a gray sweatshirt and jeans and looked like she was going to fall asleep at any second, the other one wore a red t-shirt and cargo shorts and black boots. Gregg looked up and saw Casey and waved him over.

"So," Gregg said as Casey sat down across from the two girls, who were looking at him weirdly. "How were your classes?" Casey groaned. "Borringg! Why don't they make school fun?" The shorter girl's eyes lit up. "I feel the same way! I'm Mae! And you are?" 


"Casey, cool. Oh yeah, that's Bea." Mae said.

Casey looked at Bea, who smiled and waved. 

Bea's POV

Who the hell is this kid?

Gregg's POV

Gregg didn't really know why he asked Casey if he wanted to sit with his group. He looked liked he needed some friends. And most of the kids in Possum Springs weren't exactly the friendliest. He still had a scar across his back from his first day. Also, Gregg saw something in Casey. There was something in his eyes, a feeling. A feeling that Gregg happened to know very well. The feeling of a fear of messing up. And frankly, the kid was also cute. Gregg didn't have a boyfriend, and ya know, the new kid could be gay. That reminded him. "Hey Casey," he asked. "Want to join our group chat? Here, what's your number?" 

BeaBea, TrashMammal, SnackLord Join the chat

Rumaway joined the chat

Rumaway: This worked I guess?

BeaBea: Yep.

SnackLord: WOOO 

TrashMammal: Why did you move here Casey?

BeaBea: Yeah, nobody really comes here because they want to.

Rumaway: Uh... my parents had to move for work

SnackLord: where? the 100 year old mines?

Rumaway: No, my mom works in crafting. She bought a store in town so she can sell her stuff.

BeaBea: What's it called?

Rumaway: I don't know, she hasn't decided on a name yet. Where do your parents work?

TrashMammal: My mom works at the church.

Rumaway: You're religious? 

TrashMammal: Not really, but I pretend to be. 

BeaBea: My family owns the Ol' Picaxe.

Rumaway: The hardware store?

BeaBea: Yessiree

SnackLord: My parents work at the Food Donkey.

BeaBea: What are you guys doing after school? 

TrashMammal: Gregg and I got a lot of homework from Mrs. Tracy

Rumaway: Same.

BeaBea: Yeah I did too. Want to do it at my house?

Rumaway: Sure! What time?

BeaBea: How about 4?

TrashMammal: See you then

SnackLord: Don't die, Casey

Rumaway: Don't worry, I won't. 

(Word Count: 524)

(A/N: Woo an early update! Short chapter but WHATEVER.)

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