Ashton Irwin

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"Haha oh my gosh Ashton!" you laughed because of his crazy sense of humor.

You had planned on your boyfriend Ashton on teaching you how to play the drums, when it ended up him making you laugh.

You were both telling each other funny pick up lines, and you go back to the memory when you and Ashton first met.


You worked at your local supermarket. Today was a very slow day, but then you noticed a group of four guys walk in.

After a while, they came to your lane to check out. They had bought balloons, silly string, and some pickles.

"You've got some interesting choices here boys. Yeh?"

The boy with blonde hair responded with, "Yeah, but if you got to know us it would be normal."

"Maybe I should get to know you guys. I mean I get off in 5 minutes."

The boy with light brown hair and amazing dimples responded with, "My names Ashton, by the way."

"Hello Ashton," you smiled. You didn't know what else to say because you had an instant crush on him and you knew you were blushing.

"Oh," you responded, "my names


"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you," he smiled and added, "oh and these boys are Luke, Michael, and Calum."

As the minutes passed on, you were finally off work and went to hang with the guys. You became great friends with them, but especially close with Ashton.


A year later you and Ashton are still dating, and happy as ever. Each day with him is filled with laughs.

"I don't know what I would do without you Ashton. What if we had never met?"

"Well don't worry about that (Y/N), because I love you so much, and I would've done anything to be with you."

You smiled as Ashton kept talking about all his favorite memories with you.

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