Dylan O' Brien

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You and you friend Dylan had been best friends for as long as you can remember.

Today you were spending the day with him at the mall. You went shopping in about every store, and you both bought each other gifts, just for fun.

After a long day at the mall, and getting some ice cream, Dylan was driving you home.

When you guys arrived at your house you started to get out of the car, but something pulled you back in.

Dylan. He was holding onto your hand, and looking at you.

"I had a great time with you today

"Yeah, me too Dylan."

He never says this, you thought to yourself.

There was an awkward silence for another few seconds, but then he started to lean in. At first you hesitated, but then you leaned in too.

You lips moved in perfect sync together, and you felt sparks.

"I really liked that," he said.

"You know I never thought that would happen, but I really liked it."

"I've been wanting to kiss you for so long (Y/N). One reason is because I really like you, but I know you would never feel the same."

"Dylan, I want to be more than best friends, and I won't let anything come in the way."

"Me too," he smiled, "one more question."


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

You smiled, "I would love to."

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