The Twin

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After the introduction, silence dawn over the group of 5.

Only a leaf blow pass them.

Mamoru was looking at the group with an amused expression; Kyoya was just staring something....

".....Kyo?" Mamoru divert his attention back to his brother and waved a hand in front of Kyoya. "Hello? Earth to Kyoya!"

Kyoya suddenly lunged at him and soon, both skylarks were engaged in a battle of blurs.





Both tonfas clash against each other, creating sparks of fire.

"Oi, don't you miss your own twin goddamnit!!!" Mamoru said over the loud clashing.

"Hn. Says the one who disappear for 11 fucking years." Kyoya push him back but his attack got parried by Mamoru.

"I didn't disappear! I told you that I was in Tokyo didn't I?" Mamoru did a backflip and used his leg to kick Kyoya who dodge it.

"Yeah, for 11 years." Kyoya bolted forward.

"Kay kay! I'm sorry alright!" Mamoru apologized and use his tonfas to block the attack before using his leg to trip Kyoya, causing the prefect to fall.

"And can you not just attack randomly?! I'm your brother for god's sake!"

"A brother who AWOL from the 11 years of my life...."

"Are we really still going on with that?! I promised you that I will be back didn't I?" Mamoru pulled Kyoya up and handed his tonfas back.

Kyoya just look at him before he 'Hn'ed and walk away.

Mamoru brighten up and immediately follow. "Oh Kyo~ we have lots of catching up to do!"

"Whatever...." Was the prefect's reply as the teen run up to him and put an arm around him; chatting happily, totally not caring for the trio who have already frozen in shock.

Don't worry, the 3 of them never said anything to anybody. Not even Reborn.


Mamoru have already made himself at home at Kyoya's place, which is the school.

"This guy.....he's technically living for free here!"

Mamoru took care not to be noticed by the Disciplinary Committee. I mean, he does deserve some fun, no?

He was lounging on the leather chair behind the desk in the Reception Office, when the door suddenly opened.

And the Vice Chairman, Kusakabe Tetsuya came in with a stack of paperwork.

And Mamoru? Well, he have already hidden himself by attaching himself to the ceiling.

(A/N: This scene reminds me of Spider-Man.)

Kusakabe noted that the Chairman was not in and quickly exited the room, after he left, Mamoru swiftly detached himself from the ceiling and landed on the floor without making a sound.

"Now I'm bored......saa, why don't I play a game?"

Mamoru chuckled as he jump out the window and onto the ground. He walked casually into the school with his bangs covering his eyes as he walk up to a student.

Who was Mochida Kensuke.

"Excuse me?"

"What'd you want brat?" Oho, a feisty one. Thought Mamoru as his lip quirk up into a smirk.

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