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"lUCA!" i heard my MAMAmamamMAMAAMMAmamA yell out.

i sprint downstairs to the basement, i discover her there with my lapTOP open. my video on there.

"whAT in THE HeLLL is thIS LUCA!?!?!?!" she screams.

"mMAMAMA, I Can EXPlAIN!" i say, trying to retrieve my precious, sacred laptop back. 

"thIS IS IT!" she yells out.

i watch in terror as my MAMamamMAma smASHES my laptop to the ground and sTOMPS on it.

"MAMAMA, PLEASE!" i exclaim, crying hysterically on the floor. my tender rambutan (rambutans? lmao idk) quaking.

"yOU ARE ofF To NNnnNORTH CAROLINA TOMorroW MorninG you FOOL!" she took her broom and smashed my laptop one last time. 





i began paCKing for my trIP to noRTH CAROLINA. my mMamMAAmam made sure to watch me while i packed, making sure i wasn't up to my foolery. 

to be continued

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