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Peyton Clark

          College has started back up again

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          College has started back up again. Last year of it. I know I'm going to be stressed along with taking care of a 2 year old who I'm praying his terrible 2's aren't as bad as what I have heard.

          Sadly I don't get to see Chandler much because of college starting back up again. But we FaceTime everyday before and after school so Holden sees Chandler and talks to him. I hate being away from Holden all day even though I know he's with my mom and she will take care of him and text me updates on how he's doing I still get worried.

"Okay Holden baby come here please" I say

He comes over to me and I pick him up and hold him so he's facing me.

"You will be good for grandma okay. You listen to what grandma says and when it's time for your nap no fighting okay. Mommy will be home when you wake up from your nap okay" I tell him

"Okay mommy" he says

"Okay now give me and hug" he wraps his little arms around my neck. "I love you baby bear"

"I love you mommy"

I kiss his forehead and set him down. I give my mom a hug.

"Please text me if anything happens" I say

"You know I will now go before you are late I love you" she says

"I love you too bye"

I walk out the door and get into my car when I get a text from Chandler.

Have a great day at school love❤️
I love you

My Love❤️:
Thank you Chan❤️ I love you and have a great day too😘

After I text him back I turn on my car and drive to school. When I walk in I see people looking at me. Nothing new. At first I was Chandler Riggs girlfriend, then his ex-girlfriend, then the girl with a kid, and now the girl with a kid that Chandler Riggs is the father of and Chandler Riggs girlfriend.

My friend who has the same major as me Adrianna comes up to me.

"Hey you didn't text me all summer" she says

"I know I'm sorry just with Chandler finding out about Holden and us getting back together I just kind of forgot. And Holden has been throwing so many tantrums I'm sorry" I say

"It's okay I get it you had a busy summer I'm not mad"

"Thank you Adrianna"

"Anytime now let's get to class before we are late"

She pulls me by my hand to class. We get there and people start whispering.

"Ignore them and let's sit down" Adrianna tells me.

I nod my head and we sit down for our lecture.

•skipping to after school•

After all my classes are over and I head home. I told Adrianna I will call her later and head home. I walk in the door to see my mom with a crying Holden on her hip. He wiggles out of her arms and runs over to me. I pick him up and hold him close to me.

"What happened" I ask

"He missed you and Chandler" my mom tells me

"Awww baby bear do you want to go FaceTime daddy?" I ask Holden

"No Daddy come over" he says

"Baby, Daddy has work but he will come over Friday"

"No now"

          He starts sobbing again so I carry him up into my room. I sit on my bed and hold him in my lap. I rock him and pull out my phone to call Chandler. He answers and hears Holden crying and his face goes from happy to worried.

"Why is he crying" he ask me

"He misses you" I tell him

"Awe Hey Holden buddy can you look at me it's daddy"

          He picks his little head up from my shoulder and I whip his eyes from the tears.

"Hi daddy" he says

"You want to tell me what wrong" Chandler ask

"I miss you daddy"

"Aw baby I miss you too but I will see you Friday when I go to your house"

"Why not now"

"Because me and mommy have school and I have to work but you will see me before you know it okay I will be super fast and I will give you the biggest hug ever and all the kisses in the world okay"

"Okay I love you buddy"

"I love you daddy"

"Okay go play while I talk to mommy"

          He slips off my lap and goes to the toys he has in my room for him.

"So how was school" Chandler ask me

"Good I kept getting looks and people whispering when I walked in the room but nothing new"


"No need to be"

"Well I have to go drive to set but I will call you tonight I love you"

"I love you too"

          We hang up and I go and play with Holden on the floor. He walks over to me and sits on my lap.

"Mommy" he says

"Yes baby"

"I'm sorry"

"For what"

"For missing daddy"

"Oh baby it's okay to miss daddy I miss him too but we will both give him the biggest hug ever on Friday okay"

He nods and wraps his little arms around me neck. I hold him close to me. I kiss he side of his head and and close my eyes. I love my kid.

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