•no boyfriends•

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Chandler picks Olivia up from preschool and while in the car Olivia tells her dad about her day.

"How was your day honey?" Chandler ask.

"Good." Olivia answers.

"Did you learn anything?"

"I learned about numbers and letters."

"Oh that's super cool. Did you makes any friends?"

"Mm hm."

"How many?"


"Awesome honey."

Chandler pulls into the drive way of their house and carries in Olivia. He pushes her down and takes off her shoes when they get in the door. Olivia goes running off to her mom when she sees her. Peyton lifts her up and hugs her. She starts crying into her shoulder. Peyton gives Chandler a confused look and he shrugs.

"What's wrong baby?" Peyton ask the little girl.

"I don't want daddy to be mad." Olivia says between sobs.

"Why would Daddy be mad at you?"

"Because he said I can't have a boyfriend."

"Oh honey. Daddy just doesn't want you to grow up."

Chandler walks over to them and takes Olivia from Peyton and holds her.

"Hey liv can you look at me?" Chandler ask his daughter. She looks up at her dad. "Baby you can tell me you if you have a boyfriend I won't get mad at you. But I do think you are a little too young, but I'm not going to get mad at you."

"I'm sorry daddy." Olivia says.

"You have no reason to be sorry baby."

Chandler kisses his daughter's forehead and hugs her. Holden then comes running in the room. He looks up at his dad and sister confused. Peyton picks him up and kisses his cheek.

"Holden do you think Liv should have a boyfriend?" Peyton ask Holden.

"No. She's too little." Holden says making Chandler and Peyton laugh.

"I can have a boyfriend if I want too." Olivia pouts, "daddy said so."

"Wait, daddy did not say that. I said i won't be mad but I didn't say you can have one." Chandler says.

"Why not!?" Olivia wines.

Peyton puts down Holden and Chandler gives Olivia to her.

"Honey when you are older, let's say 16?" Peyton says.

"Yeah, 16 is good" Chandler says.

Olivia nods her head and wiggles out of her mom's arms and she goes and plays with Holden.

"Don't you love kids?" Peyton ask her husband.

"I mean yeah but, I thought that would come later in life." Chandler says.

Peyton wraps her arms around his waist. Chandler goes around her shoulders.

"I love them." Peyton says.

"Me too. Me too"

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