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Liked by chandlerriggs5, Luna.melody and 175,049 others
Peytonriggs: fun fact: I'm pregnant

View all 1,077 comments

Username: so not expecting that

Username1: well they take no time

Username2: how far along?

Peytonriggs: username2 around 20 weeks

Chandlerriggs5: I did that

Peytonriggs: chandlerriggs5 you did a lot of things babe

Chandlerriggs5: Shhhhhh

Username3: how did Holden react?

Chandlerriggs5: username3 he's excited to have a little brother even though we keep telling him there's a chance of him not getting a brother

Luna.melody: chandlerriggs5 how are the mood swings

Peytonriggs: Luna.melody they aren't that bad

Chandlerriggs5: Luna.melody one minutes she's yelling at me then next she's crying then she's laughing. I don't know what's going on anymore. Holden also is concerned.

Peytonriggs: chandlerriggs5 im Sorry im pregnant. But you got me pregnant

Chandlerriggs5: you are the one that said "don't wear a condom we are married"

Peytonriggs: chandlerriggs5 I did say that

Username4: this is so funny

Username5: honeymoon baby

Username6: goals

Username7: do you know the gender?

Peytonriggs: username7 Nope finding out soon though

Username8: I can't wait for more bump pictures

Username9: I can see Chandler talking to the baby I want a picture of that

Peytonriggs: username9 I have one

Chandlerriggs5: im new to this whole pregnancy thing idk how to act I'm nervous

Peytonriggs: chandlerriggs5 don't be you'll be fine

Username10: they are so cute

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