Chapter 1

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We had won the game by what some might call a landslide. But, I mean, it was one of the worst schools in the county, so it wasn't that great, but it counted just as much as beating the better schools. Wilson and I were walking from the field towards the parking lot. Nick was, of course, braggin about his home run and how 'awesome' it was. It was a normal home run and he had no reason to be bragging, but he was and I couldn't get him to shut up. His jersey and pants were smeared with dirt in contrast to my clean one, which kind of upset me for a second because I missed playing, but I didn't miss the drama and the guys were cool. It was hard not playing, but it would be hard to leave this team. 

"...Have you ever seen a home run that good? At least this season...Hey!"

A flick in the ear brought be back to earth. "What? Oh, sorry. It was great. For you, anyway." I smirked up at the taller boy.

Nick rolled his eyes. "It was awesome and you damn well know it, Reese." He lowered his sunglasses from the top of his baseball cap and onto his face as he looked back up from me.

I smiled and continued walking in silence until we were in the parking lot. A couple of the guys were still hanging around - the game ended a half hour ago. The only reason we were still on the field was because I had to clean up and Wilson was my ride, so he was stuck with me. Among the group of guys that were still hanging around was Tyler Madden, Wilson's best friend and one of my least favorite people not only on the team but in the school, which was conflicting for all of us, really, because Tyler and myself were both two of Wilson's closer friends, so it was often we were stuck hanging out together.

Tyler smirked as he saw us walking together. "Aw, look at the two lovebirds. He's even carrying her bag for her."

The other guys around him chuckled and I glared, but didn't look up to see Wilson's reaction. These kinds of comments were frequent so the both of us were used to them. Ever since I started helping the baseball team, I was closest with Wilson so therefore, we were subued to being teased. The two of us didn't reply as we continued to Wilson's truck. He easily tossed the two Nike duffle bags in the bed of his Chevy, mine containing several baseballs and other items coach wanted me to have on hand as well as a slew of empty Gatorade bottles I'd failed to throw away and his containing all his catchers gear, his bat, and whatever else he kept in there. Nick preceeeded to walked over to the guys, so I followed suit and stood with a group of at least ten junior and senior baseball players, most of which were attractive, but that wasn't what was on my mind. I was internally going through each of the guys plays during today's game. They talked about the game, bragging about how awesome they were, and of course, Wilson butted in. He was the only HR of the night, so naturally, he felt as though he was the best player of the evening. Two of the outfielders also bragged about their sliding catches and Hunter Miller, who wasn't a starter, bragged about his two RBIs. He didn't play every night, so I didn't mind his bragging. He needed a chance to prove himself and tonight, he got it.

"Well, Wilson, you better get your girl home and take care of her," Tyler interupted Hunter with a wink. "Don't want to keep you."

The other guys chuckled at his stupid comment as I glared at him but he only smirked at me. Wilson chuckled next to me and took my hat off to ruffle my hair. I swatted his hand and he returned my hat crookedly which I fixed, pulling my ponytail back through the opening in the back of the hat.

The other guys said their goodbyes and a few echoed a "See ya, Reese" along with the rest of the names and handshakes. Brantley Symons, the first baseman, and C Hanson, the short stop, even gave me a side hug which I unenthusastically returned. Most of the time, I was one of the guys, but every once and a while, they treated me like a girl, which sucked, to be honest. I wasn't a girl hanging out in the dugout. I had an important role and I expected to be treated as such.

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