Chapter 2

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"Yeah, tonight is bottoms up. Throw it on down, rock this quiet, little country town, get up drop a tailgate on ya truck"

I woke up to the sounds of Bottoms Up by Brantly Gilbert on my Pandora alarm, signaling me it was six thirty. I let out a sigh, and reluctantly got out of my comfortable bed, the blankets a mess. I stumbled across my room, the carpet feeling good under my feet as I headed towards my bathroom. I looked in the mirror at the mess that was my hair. Not wasting any time, I pulled out my hair straightener and plugged it in, brushing my teeth as I waited for it to heat up.

Once my hair looked less like a bird inhabited it and my face looked decent, I walked back into my room after unplugging my straightener and started lazily rummaging through my clothes. I finally decided on a pair of dark jegging capris that were quite possibly the most comfortable thing I owned (aside from my running shorts and sweatpants, anyway), and one of my many Dodgers t shirts. Grabbing my plain black back pack, I headed out of my room and down the stairs. Kyle was heading upstairs and nearly knocked me down by his uncalled for speed. 

His hair was tousled and he still wore his glasses, which meant he hadn't been up long. "Good morning, baby sis!" he greeted in his perky morning voice. Unlike me, he was a huge morning person. He woke up in the worlds most spectacular mood, which got annoying after a while. 

I gave him a dry look, "Hi."

He ruffled my hair with a chuckle before finishing up the stairs. I groaned, not wanting to have to fix my hair.

I headed into the kitchen after dropping my bag in the doorway and sat down on one of the barstools at the island. As if on cue, my mom slid a plate of bacon, toast, and eggs in front of me. Without a word, I started scarffing it. Lost in my food, I no longer was paying attention to my surroundings. A slap on the back startled me and I nearly died choking on my bacon. I coughed, my life practically flashing before my eyes.

"Morning, kiddo!" 

My dad was also a big morning person.

He sat down at the table and started reading his paper like he did every morning. "You have a game tonight?"

"Yeah, its away," I replied grogily.

He didn't reply, which was normal. I didn't think twice as I continued to eat. Conversating and eating wasn't a good combination for me.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled it out and read the message from Nick.

Your brother still giving you a ride?

I furrowed my brow. "Kye!"

"What?" he said from closer than I thought.

I looked at him. "Since when are you giving me a ride to school?"

He grinned, his hair fixed but his glasses still on. "I thought I would take a trip down memory lane. Say hello to some old friends. Coach even mentioned me sitting in the dugout tonight at the game!"

I stared blankly. Having Kyle in the dugout would be sure to cause for some awkwardness.

"Don't look so excited. Let's go!" He grabbed his keys out of his pocket and opened the front door ushering me through.

I groaned but quickly finished my food and put my plate in the sink, grabbing a back of pretzals from the counter that my mom got ready for me and stuffed it in the front of my backpack. I walked out the door after saying my goodbyes to my mom and dad. Kyle did the same and followed me out. 

We jumped in his fairly new Dodge Charger that he had gotten for college. He used to drive the older GM Sierra, but because he needed better gas milage for getting to and from school, I got the truck and he got the "new" car. He started the car and grinned over at me. I rolled my eyes before he backed out of the driveway. I never used to mind going to school with Kyle, but it would be weird having him hang around all day, even if he wasn't going to actually be in class with me.

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