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Yoongi P.O.V

Yoongi: I wonder what's taking Y/N so long?

As I said that she stepped out of the bathroom in her pyjamas, to be honest, I never knew someone could be that pretty wearing pyjamas. She wore a baggy, long-sleeved t-shirt and short shorts, like really short.....

I didn't realise I was staring for so long until she gave a small cough, I quickly looked away. I don't want her to feel scared around me I want her to know she can rely on me.

Y/N: U-uh Yoongi are you ok? I-I can leave if you want me too.

Yoongi: No! Don't leave, sorry I was just thinking of uh, oh nevermind are you ok?

Y/N: Of course why wouldn't I be?

She puts on a fake smile, thinking I can't see straight through it, I play along if she wants to tell me she can I will put up with it, make her trust me and when the time is right she will tell me what she needs.


My arm ached from the new cuts I had carved into my sensitive skin, I had to cover them somehow so Yoongi wouldn't ask about them, I put on a long-sleeve T-shirt to cover my wrists then throw on some shorts they were extremely short I worried for a little, but soon had to give up for it was far too hot to wear sweat pants, and my other shorts and not good to sleep in. I sigh in defete taking a deep breath before exiting.

I turn around to see Yoongi staring at me, my heart raced as his brown eyes gazed at my body. Lots of thoughts went through my head, bad ones I started getting nerves and trembled a little.

I gave a small cough and he instantly looked away. I spoke up stuttering out the words but got them out.

Y/N: U-uh Yoongi are you ok? I-I can leave if you want me too.

Yoongi: No! Don't leave, sorry I was just thinking of uh, oh nevermind are you ok?

He didn't bother telling me what he was thinking. I don't expect him to want to tell me anything. Him asking me if I was ok put me in a different mindset, nobody had ever asked me that for nobody gave a shit about me or my health or existence in this world.

I wanted to tell him that I wasn't ok so bad and tell him my troubles and fears but that always bites me in the ass later on so I put on a fake smile and say.

Y/N: Of course why wouldn't I be?

He brought my fake smile. He just smiled back and walked to the bathroom to have his shower and get ready, I hoped I had cleaned all the blood so he would ask what it was.

I walk into his room setting up a few of my things on the bedside table I will be using. Just the essentials my phone and charger, earphones, a perfume bottle and my hairbrush for easy access at any time.

Yoongi comes in his hair wet and messy, I don't jump into the bed but instead sit in the corner waiting for his approval for me to do anything. He just looks at me confused.

Yoongi: What are you doing? Are you not tired?

Y/N: I'm just waiting for you to tell me it's ok to get into your bed I don't want you to get mad at me.

I say it how it is, he just continues looking at me.

Yoongi: Y/N you don't need my permission to go to sleep ok, your safe here, nobody will hurt you, I won't hurt you. I promise.

His words comforting, I made my way over to my side of the bed and pull the covers back and quickly slip into them, curling into a ball to make it as if I'm not even there. Yoongi kept his word and laid where my feet would go he got comfortable and went to sleep.

I stayed up thinking of stuff, after hours and hours of thinking. I fell into a light slumber one where you can wake easily. It was actually a peaceful night.

Yoongi P.O.V

I go into the bathroom, and take a quick shower, usually, I would sleep without a shirt and just in boxes but since I could tell Y/N was nervous I put clothes on, a plain white shirt and baggy basketball shorts.

Walking into the room after getting dressed, I saw
Y/N sitting in a corner, I was confused, why was she over their instead of already being in the bed. All this confusion got the better of me and I spoke.

Yoongi: What are you doing? Are you not tired?

She looked a little scared.

Y/N: I'm just waiting for you to tell me it's ok to get into your bed I don't want you to get mad at me.

I was (Jung)shook at her response or that she even gave me one.

Yoongi: Y/N you don't need my permission to go to sleep ok, your safe here, nobody will hurt you, I won't hurt you. I promise.

She looked relieved, she walks over to the bed sliding into the covers and curled up...... I just assumed that how she sleeps so I left it be.

I got into bed after her laying down closed my eyes but didn't sleep, I just rested my eyes after many hours I felt her relax and heard I light snore, she was finally asleep.

Okie I hope you enjoyed this... Till next time!

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