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Yoongi's P.O.V (Before he finds you)
As we are driving home in almost silence I could help but to think what Y/N had and has been through. We arrived back at home and Y/N went straight to the bathroom, I didn't question her I just let her do her thing.

After not even five minutes I hear some sort of crying coming from the bathroom. I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked.

Yoongi: Y/N are you ok?

Her crying got harder.


I freak out not knowing what is happening.

Yoongi: Wha- Are you ok!?


I bust the door open not caring if she is nude or not, as I lay my eyes on her I see blood stained her arm, floor fingertips and a blade. I freak out and start to panic her face is like flowing river of tears coming out none stop.


I rush to her aid before she could do any more damage, her cuts were deep and has lost so much blood, I rinse her arm under the water and call 000 (or 911 or whatever your emergency contact is) as I held her in my arms her body went limp and she was unconscious.

~Time Skip~ (at the hospital)

I wait patiently for the doctor's report. They ask me a few questions to get a better understanding of the situation, after a while, they come back and say I can stay as long as I want. I thank them and head to her room.

When I enter the room it was filled with almost complete silence all but the heart monitors making noise.

Yoongi: Y/N I'm sorry I wasn't there to defend you when all that shit happened. I feel so guilty I wasn't there to protect you.

I obviously don't get a response from her, but I don't mind.

Yoongi: I-I just want you to get better.

I stay by her side not leaving at all, I eventually fell asleep in her lap whilst holding her hand.

I wake up in a white room, with an annoying beeping noise in my ear I look around and realise I am in a hospital bed. Yoongi passed out his head resting in my lap and he is holding my hand. I move a little, Yoongi lifts his head up to look at me his eyes have a soft look in them as they looked at me.

Yoongi: Hey, how are you feeling?

Y/N: Uhh, I don't know, why am I here?

Yoongi: *sighs* you lost to much blood, from cutting yourself on your arms.

I look down to see a bandage wrapped around my wrist. I lift it up and what I saw made me sad. Ten or more deep cuts, still bleeding a little and weeping trying to make scab to heal.

Y/N: H-How did you know I was doing it?

Yoongi: You seriously don't remember. *sighs*

He explains everything to me and I remember everything, every emotion and thought, every bit of warm blood and pain I felt on my wrist.

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