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Shaking myself, I pull myself upright in bed. Edric lies still and lifeless beside me. I stare at him for a little while, willing that sensation to go away. The weirdness, the creepiness of seeing him lying there like that. His chest doesn't rise and fall, he makes no noise, he is so pale and I reach out to gingerly touch him. He is cold and my hand immediately springs back. I take a deep breath and try again, placing my hand over his. Forcing myself over this fear of what he is. I squeeze a little but there is no response.

"Edric," I say. Nothing. I wonder what it would take to wake him up. He did say he could be awake during the day if he really had to. I realise it is not seeing his eyes that makes all the difference. Even though they are amber and unlike any eyes I have ever seen before, they are alive and real. He might look like a young man, only a few years older than me, but that disappears when you look into his eyes. They are old eyes. Pain, loss, love and god knows what else have flashed before them. But they are the essence of him and without being able to see them, his face is just a mask.

I get up and wander around the room. My new prison cell. It was a hell of a lot better than the other cell. There are no windows of course, but a big fireplace with a fire that is dwindling out. I throw a couple of logs onto it but all it does is hiss and smoke. After a few seconds, there are no flames at all. I sigh, how on earth was I going to survive five days alone and outside in the wilderness. But I can't think about that yet. I have to take one step at a time. There are more tests and horrors to come before I even get to that stage. Starting with whatever test they have planned for tonight.

I walk slowly around the room. Apart from the bed, the desk and armchair, and a couple of bookcases there is nothing much here. I consider what the chances are of getting 4G or a wifi signal down here or Netflix. But I think I know what Edric would say, he doesn't seem all that keen on technology.

But I have more important needs right now. I have no idea what the time is. I feel like it is late and I've also been one to sleep in really late if I can, but with no clock or window, I have no idea. It's not really late because Edric isn't awake but it could be 9am or 2pm for all I know. I am hungry, thirsty and need to pee. And even though it is cold, my skin feels sticky and a hot shower would be amazing. I walk across to Edric's desk again and I see a carrier bag on his chair that I didn't notice before. I pick it up and see a couple of bottles of water and some protein bars. Well, I guess it is better than nothing.

There is a gigantic chain and padlock across the door. I'm not even going to attempt to try and open it. Even if there were bolt cutters just lying around they'd still be no way I could get them open. I'm a little sad that Edric doesn't trust me enough to just leave the door as it is. He's made it clear what will happen if I run. What chance would one 18-year-old girl have against an army of vampires?

I don't know how much time goes by as I'm lost in my thoughts and nibbling at the protein bars, trying to make them last as long as possible. I am seriously considering how bad it would be to create a little puddle on the floor somewhere though. I mean he is a vampire, blood and guts don't bother him so surely a bit of pee won't? Or I could empty out one of the drawers in his desk, or-

"Good evening, Lily," he says, upright in the bed. I gasp and drop my water and protein bar.

"Holy mother, you scared me!" I shriek. "You make no noise, you lie there like you're dead and suddenly you're awake."

"You'll get used to it," he smiles. "How are you feeling?"

"I need to pee. Like badly. You don't seem to keep forgetting that I'm human and that we have physical bodily needs."

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