(3) Sound Effects & Overdramatics

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“Jace Austin.”


Snap. Snap.

“So he finally graces us with his presence. Hello, did you hear a word I said?” Mrs. Montgomery was standing in front of my desk, and she wasn’t happy.

If I told her the truth that I had perfected how to sleep with my eyes open, I wasn’t sure if she would be angry or impressed, so I played along. “You are pairing us up with partners for the assignment.” Total guess, but I had remembered her mumbling something about it a couple of days ago.

“So you’re not a lost cause,” she said flashing me a smile. People let me slide on things all the time. I wasn’t sure if it was because they genuinely liked me or felt sorry for me.

“Felix Porter,” Mrs. Montgomery called out, turning her back to me and scanning the room. A guy in the very back stood up real slowly. He was wearing all black along with a trench coat and combat boots. He was widely known as the school’s outcast. “Take a seat next to Mr. Austin here.”

My eyes about bulged out of my head. There was nothing wrong with the guy, I’d just rather not find out.

He sulked his way loudly over to my desk, plopping down in the adjacent chair.

I nodded towards him, attempting to be civil, but he rolled his eyes and sank into his chair, looking away.

Having to be stuck with him in any capacity was not thrilling in the least. He appeared to be a loose cannon.

The project was a pretty significant portion of our grade, unfortunately. We were tasked with researching one major historical incident and doing a report on it. There would be poster boards, and newspapers, magazines, and videos. Meaning, I couldn’t blow it.

Even though I would rather grind my teeth with rocks, I asked Felix if he could meet after school to go over our project. He hesitantly agreed after I promised to buy us pizza.

Because my house was off limits for a study session, Peyton allowed us to use hers. I was annoyed I had to study with Felix while Peyton was around. It was almost too distracting.

“So…” I began, after the pizza had been delivered and we were both finished eating. “What incident were you wanting to write about?”

Felix shrugged, without a glance.

“Well I was thinking about the Martin Luther King speech—“

“I have a dream?” He asked through what appeared to be gritted teeth.

I nodded.

“Overdone.” He tossed it out without another thought.

“Okay then, tell me something better,” I tested him.

“Did you forget the Batman shooting in 2012?” Felix asked incredulously.

“Not exactly…that was a pretty sick and twisted thing the shooter did.”

“And wouldn’t it be fun to find out why?” His lips curled up into a mischievous smile.

“Now you seem like the sick and twisted one,” I cracked a smile.

We were finally getting along to some extent. If his idea for a project would keep him in good spirits, I was all down for it.

After we decided on the Aurora shooting in 2012 for our project and had mapped out how we planned to execute it, Felix headed home for the night and it was just Peyton and me alone in her house. Her parents were visiting Kayleigh in California at her dorm.

The Fighter (A Foundation Novel, Book Two) - Published 10/28/14; Sample OnlyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ