(4) Taken By the Dark

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Something was up. Something was off. It had been a week since my last beating and unusually easy to come home as he’d been conveniently gone every night of the week. For someone so lazy, it was very unlike him. It could really only mean one thing—he found someone to pay for his addiction.

The thought angered me that he would put anyone else in jeopardy with his unhealthy lifestyle. The poor individual had no idea what they were getting themselves into.

After a week of the same suspicious activity, I skipped school solely on the hope that he would return home during that brief time slot. I had been right, although I hadn’t anticipated him bringing his new sugar Mama.

I cracked my bedroom door open and pressed my ear up to it, straining to hear their conversation downstairs.

“So this is your home,” a female voice said.

“I told you darling, nothing special.” Frank sounded unusually…sober.

“No, I like it, very quaint. Is this your son?” My heart began doing double time as I was positive I had been caught. Only, they were still downstairs.

“Yeah, that’s my boy.” I heard my father’s voice again. Since when had I ever been his boy?

“What’s his name?” Curious one, she was.

“Jace.” Just hearing my father use my name was like a thousand metal rods through the heart; he didn’t deserve a son; especially not me.

Slowly, I began to shut my door, but one of my deadbolts came loose and rattled loudly.

My heart was in my throat as I raced against time to lock each and every lock.

“Jace, is that you?” My father’s voice carried from the downstairs. Again, oddly sober sounding. “I have someone I want to introduce you to.”

I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or hallucinating—but my father was not trying to murder me. I wasn’t used to it.

Knock. Knock.

They were polite, friendly rasps at my door. I wasn’t prepared for any of it. I wasn’t sure what my father’s intentions were—but I wasn’t sure I wanted to find out.

“Jace,” the female’s voice sounded through from the other side of the door. “Your father has told me so much about you. Open up and let’s talk.”

I gulped, stalling. Was this a trap? Was he trying to lure me out so I was easier prey? I was conflicted.

I opened my door slowly, without any more pauses, coming face to face with my cleaned up father and a middle aged woman.

My father had swapped his disgusting and smelly threads for a blue button down and slacks. I hadn’t seen my father look so professional since I was fifteen.

The woman he was with was stunning for her age. Definitely a looker. As it turned out, she was half Mexican, half Italian. Her name was Samina.

I wasn’t sure how he did it, but without much effort I ended up seated at the dining table for dinner with the two.

“I hope you like spaghetti,” Samina smiled as she dished the pasta and passed around the plates.

I nodded as I grabbed my fork and began to dig in. If this was my last meal, it was well worth it. “It’s very good, thank you Samina.”

She took a seat at the table and then addressed me again. “So, what grade are you in Jace?”

“I’m a senior.”

The Fighter (A Foundation Novel, Book Two) - Published 10/28/14; Sample OnlyWhere stories live. Discover now