Chapter 2

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The cool breeze swung by every time a car made its way down the street. Bella then got out of the car and glanced at the door right next to her uncle's, and sighed. Her mother patted her back, almost like a signal to stop day dreaming. The car was pulled up in the driveway nearly two inches away from the garage door.
She then continued walking, now paying attention to going to her uncle's house. Her dad and brother were behind her, nearly whispering about the cars across the street. Bella got up the steps first, and waited for her mom to knock because her eyes were again fixed on the house next door. Staten Island usually had traffic on Saturdays, so she could barely make out the sound of her mom knocking on their painted white door.

Her Aunt Cathy opened the door, and welcomed her mom and Bella with a kiss on each cheek and a big hug. She waved her arm, and told them to come in. Bella was usually very aware of her surroundings, almost inspecting everything that was around her. Her uncle was outside on the barbecue, and she was probably right when she thought he was making London broil.

"You have such a nice place." Her mom then, also, started looking around, holding on to her handbook tighter.

"Yes, we have amazing neighbors too. Then seem like a bunch of neat-freaks ." Aunt Cathy's accent was heavier than Bella's, with a little bit of Italian mixed in.

"Ugh, I would love them as neighbors. We'd fit right in." Mom finally cracked her little joke and chuckled a little bit. Aunt Cathy laughed at her joke, too, because she knew that this was true.

"So, you said that Sal Vulcano lives right next to you?" My brother made his way around mom to question Aunt Cathy. This made Bella jump, her mouth nearly dropping.

"I guess so. Your Uncle Joe knows all about who's living next to us. What about you go ask him?" Aunt Cathy suggested. Bella's eyes widened, her breathes started becoming shorter and shorter until it felt like there was nothing to breathe.

"I'll come with you, Giovanni." Bella turned to her brother, her accent and entire body shaking. He nodded his head to the back door as she struggled to make her way with him.

Bella's brother's hands, she observed, were shaking, but not as much as Bella. They were in his pockets, making his pockets vibrate. Bella weakly pulled open the door, and Uncle Joe turned his head to them, his face lit up. He gave them both a hug, but ignored the shakiness. She felt almost nauseous from the thought of having a famous Impractical Joker living next to her aunt and uncle. She was pretty sure that her and her brother were asking themselves the same question from the look on his face: Would we be able to meet him?

. . . . . . . . . .

It was crazy how one thought could fill your whole mind, not letting any others in. She didn't even feel like eating, she made sure was looking at the window facing his house at all times. Bella didn't even notice that Giovanni was doing the exact same thing, trying to aim the food into their own mouths without looking down.

The parents didn't care. They were too focused into their own conversations with each other. Sal's curtains had been pulled up, being able to see inside his house. They didn't want to be rude or invade his privacy, so they mostly avoided the window. It took them a while to see any activity in the house, until they saw someone come down the steps. They both gasped and opened their eyes wider, if it was even possible.

They then saw that it was Sal coming down the steps. But, there was someone behind him. They were hard to identify, she seemed to have black, long hair, with her hoodie up. Giovanni and Bella giggled to the thought of something inappropriate, and looked at each other goofily smiling. They then quickly remembered what they were laughing at, and jerked their heads back to the window. Bella then thought this girl looked familiar as she hugged and, what looked like, kissed Sal goodbye. She walked out the almost exact same door as her aunt and uncle had. Once she went down the sidewalk, Bella knew exactly who it was. She couldn't believe it. Her jaw wanted to fall off, her heart almost stopped completely. She didn't want to assume, but she did. They looked too similar to be two different people. Bella didn't know what to feel, she didn't even knew if she felt anything. It couldn't be true. She tried to make herself believe it was all in her head. She tried to make herself believe it wasn't real, but she knew deep inside, this was real life.

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