Chapter 3-

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  "So what were you doing yesterday?" Natalia's voice rang through the telephone, clear enough for Bella to hear on the other line.

  "Well, I went to my aunt and uncle's house for Sunday dinner. What about you?" Bella knew what she was doing, she just wanted to know if she would answer correctly.

  "I just hung out with my family, not really anything." Bella rolled her eyes, this wasn't true. She wanted to hear those words come out of her mouth.

  "You know Sal's house is RIGHT next to my aunt's house?" She chuckled and shook her head in disbelief. "You should've been there, he had a girl with him."

  "There was a girl with him? What type of girl? Was she pretty?" Her voice nearly squeaked, and Bella could tell, from all those years of knowing her, that she got nervous.

  "Very, very pretty." Bella raised her right eyebrow, she was so grateful that the other person on the other line couldn't see what they would be doing while on the phone.

  Bella, twirled the cord of the phone around her finger. She still saw the view from the window going through her head. It was so hard to believe, so many questions to ask, but she knew they wouldn't be able to be answered.
She knew Natalia was with him that day, she just did. She had recognized all of the same features of Natalia were on that woman Sal had been with. It wasn't very hard to believe, though, she had gotten her license a month ago. But how did she know him? How did they meet? But most importantly; how could've she known him without telling Bella?
"You free today?" Natalia broke the silence, her voice shook a little bit.
"Yeah, I'm free. Coffee shop? At 1?"
"You got it," Natalia said, a little more excited than before.
"Alright, see you then." They exchanged goodbyes and then Bella slowly hung up the phone.
Bella felt like her heart had been cracked, and that she wasn't trusted. Natalia knew how much Bella had wanted to meet the jokers, she knew that she practiced her approach if she ever did. Bella started to become overwhelmed, becoming to overthink, one of the things she mostly did, but hated to do. Thoughts kept popping into her head, negative ones, they were always negative ones. She didn't know how to overcome it. She was seeing her at one, the person that KNEW Sal Vulcano was seeing her at one.
. . . . . .
Bella swung open the door with one hand, and held it open with the other to let the person behind her in. She saw Natalia waiting by the counter, probably already ordering her drink. Bella inhaled deeply, and went up to her.
"Hey!" Bella tapped on her shoulder and she immediately turned around.
"Hey Bella!" Natalia hugged her and then looked around, holding on to her purse. "This place is something, isn't it?"
"It sure is.... Let's go find a table" Bella's tone had been almost stiff, or tense, leaving Natalia to question things.
They finally found a table and sat down, leaving their purses on the side of their chairs.
"You ok, Bella?" Natalia looked at her considerably.
She didn't even notice she had been staring down at the table the whole time. She then popped her head up and smiled at Natalia. She didn't even know what to think. This was too weird.
  "I can't believe you drove all the way here JUST for coffee," I blurted out. Natalia's face grew pale, but she still managed to smile.
  "I mean, I love it here. Who wouldn't come out all the way for coffee?" Her voice slightly became squeaky, and she curled her strand of hair dangling in the front from her headband.
  Bella peaked her head over Natalia's shoulder, and she saw someone familiar. His hair had been cut short, though, but she still seemed to notice him. She didn't want to go over and make a fool of herself if this wasn't the person she was looking for. He was with someone else, and when he went to scratch the back of his head, his tattoo showed on his upper arm, Quixotic. Bella then stood up from her chair, but just continued looking, Natalia looked to where her eyes had been tracking down, but didn't see what she was seeing. Natalia probably asked questions, but she didn't hear them. He was wearing a black fitted, plain,  tee. She didn't know what to do. Natalia then came over and sat her down, but her eyes stayed fixed on him. She knew him, and that tattoo, not just anybody wore it. The girl he had been sitting with seemed confused that he had come to the table, so has Bella. She almost felt nauseous, her face paler than Natalia's had been. She forgot about what she was gonna talk about with Natalia, but she didn't want to talk to Natalia anymore.
  She wanted to talk to this man over there who had caught her attention.

Dear readers,
Sorry this chapter was so bland, if you thought so. I had my first writer's block when writing this story, so I just tried to break through. New chapter will be out soon, and I promise, it will be better. ❤️

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