Chapter 1

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In this story there will be enough tears to fill an ocean, enough betrayal to break dozens of hearts, and there will be plenty of the feeling we know as love.

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In a country called Fiore there lies a guild called Fairy Tail, within this guild there is an 18 year old  boy and a 17 year old girl who are the best of friends. The boy is a fire dragon slayer named  Natsu Dragneel and the girl is a celestial spirit mage known as Lucy Heartfilia.

The two are currently sitting at a table in their guild with the rest of their team that consists of an S-class wizard named Erza Scarlet, an ice mage named Gray Fullbuster, a 12 year old sky dragon slayer with the name of Wendy Marvell and 2 exceeds called Happy and Carla.

The reason they were all together like this, is because a certain dragon slayer said that he had something important to talk about.  An awkward  silence started filling the air as they were waiting for their friend to speak. After about 30 seconds of awkwardness, Natsu finally spoke with a sad voice "I'm leaving the guild tomorrow, to train for a year"

"WHAT?!" the team shouted with glassy eyes as if they were about to cry, the rest of the guild was startled by Team Natsu's sudden outburst. The master of Fairy Tail then came out of his office. At first he was annoyed with Team Natsu for being louder than usual, but when he saw tears coming out of their eyes, his face softened, and then he said "What happened here?" The team then yelled "NATSU IS LEAVING TOMORROW FOR A YEAR TO TRAIN!"

The Master along with the rest of the guild bursted out in tears. I mean, why wouldn't they? Their not going to see one of their loved ones for a whole year! They let their emotions flow out, some did this by screaming others by whimpering all had depressed emotions plastered on their faces. 

Except for one, except for Lucy.

Lucy's glassy eyes, were wide with tears flowing out of her chocolate orbs. Her lips curved slightly down, and her body was motionless. Everyone in the guild looked highly depressed, but she... she looked mortified. As if she just had her whole world destroyed, and in a way... it was. After all her best friend, who is everything to her, is leaving her. She didn't want to be separated from, even if just for a year. 

"Please don't cry." Natsu begged to his friends "it's only a year... It's not like I'm going to die, or something."

Despite his begging they didn't stop their crying. In fact the one he wanted one he really wanted to stop crying, kept crying with her crushed expresstion. 'Why couldn't she stop crying, please lucy, don't cry, ever' Natsu thought. Trying to cheer Lucy up, he continued "Guys, one year isn't a long time! I'll be back sooner than you can say 'I'm fired up'! So you guys shouldn't-". 

"Natsu, stop" Lucy whispered, with her bangs covering her eyes. She reached her arm to wipe away her tears. "Hmm..." Natsu sang, wondering why she said what she did "What do you mean, Luce?". An enraged Lucy screamed at Natsu, while walking towards him "I MEAN, THAT STOP TRYING TO CHEER US UP! CUZ NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY WE ARE GOING TO BE SAD!!! " She had tears forming in her eyes as she spoke. She continued "AFTER ALL YOU, ONE OF FAMILY MEMBERS IS GOING TO BE GONE FOR A YEAR!!!!!! A YEAR!!!" 

For each step Lucy took to get to Natsu the more upset she got. Once she was about two steps from him, her hands were in fists and she looked as if she was about to punch him.  She took one more step, and raised her curled up hand. Natsu closed his eyes ready to have Lucy him, but the impact never came. He open his eyes to see Lucy on her knees, looking at the ground. "Why..?" Lucy whispered, lifting up her head "Why do you have to leave..? Aren't you strong enough?". Her porcelain skin was covered with her tears, and her eyes half open. 

Natsu knelt down to Lucy to embrace her in a warm hug. Natsu then whispered in her ear, with a genuine expression "I'm truly sorry that I caused you to cry, but don't worry I'll surely come back for you...". He paused then whispered to himself, so quitely that not even Lucy could hear "...our  Queen..."

Everyone on Team Natsu tried their hardest to convince him to stay, by stating reasons why he shouldn't or doesn't have to go but, each and every one of them failed to make an argument that he didn't have a rebuttal for.

The rest of the day was filled with tears that they wished they didn't shed and goodbyes that they wished they didn't have to shed.
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Disclaimer: Hiro Mashima Owns All The Fairy Tail

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