Chapter 2

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It's been a week since the young fire mage left the guild, because of this, the place was quieter than ever before, they all missed Natsu so much, especially his team but, the one who took his departure the worst was none other then Lucy Heartfilia. She felt so lonely without her best friend, she just wanted him to stay. WAS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!

They were all too rapped up in their on thoughts to notice a white haired, take over mage open the doors to the guild hall, they only noticed her when she shouted "Hey minna! I'm home!" Whole guild turned their heads to who was the owner of this new, yet familiar voice. When they saw who the person at the door was, most of them started balling their eyes out and running to the figure at the front of the guild. The first ones to get to the woman were Elfman the man and Mirajane the model, they both hollered "LISANNA/SIS! YOUR ALIVE!"

Right after, the siblings gave their little sister a bone crushing hug, a couple seconds into the hug the rest of the guild joined in. The only people not a part of the group hug, were Lucy, Juvia, Carla, Wendy, Gajeel, and Pantherlily. As they were hugging, Gajeel asked a question the other five were wondering but, in a rather rude way. He shouted "WHO THE HECK IS THAT?!"

The guild broke out of their hug, and then basically all of them gave Gajeel a death glare. When Lisanna looked at the mages and exceeds she realized that they were new to the guild, so naturally she wanted to meet them.  She walked past the glaring group of mages to get to the six new members, flying beside her was the blue fur ball possessing the name of Happy. As they reached the newbies, Happy began introducing the six to Lisanna and vise versa.

When Happy finally introduced Lucy he said "This is Lucy Heartfilia, she's a good friend of Natsu and I." Lucy planned on saying hello but was interrupted by Lisanna. "Speaking of Natsu, where is he?" As she spoke those few words the whole guild was quiet then, a small whimper was let out by the blue exceed standing right next to her. "Natsu" the exceed said hesitantly then continued "left yesterday to train. He'll be back in a year."

"Oh" Lisanna whispered with a face that was tainted with so much sorrow, she then put on a sad smile and spoke "Well then, I'm just going to have to wait, won't I?"

At this point she was pouring her eyes out, but still had that small smile on as she wept... or so it seemed. If you looked close enough you could notice that she wasn't wearing an innocent smile of but, a malignant smirk.

Everyone went to comfort the seemed to be depressed young mage, the only ones that didn't were all of the new additions to the guild but, received some nasty looks from some of the other mages, from that moment on they all knew everything was going to change, drastically.

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