8:Waking Up Next To A Vampire

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BamBam had been out cold for a few hours now.

He peeled his eyes open and groaned lowly. He had hoped that he had imagined the previous events, but when he saw the Chinese characters engraved onto the ceiling, he was reminded of his sad reality.

Closing his eyes again, he tried to procrastinate waking up for a little while longer, but was interrupted by calm, warm breathing on his neck. Rolling over onto his side, he saw the brown-haired beast staring back at him, his head buried into the crook of his neck, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"How're you feeling?" Jackson asked BamBam in a sleepy, husky voice.

BamBam sighed and turned away from him, sitting up on the end of the bed so his legs were dangling over the edge. He heard some shuffling behind him, and soon felt a pair of burly arms wrap around his waist, and a chin rest on his shoulder. Jackson's legs were either side of BamBam's, so he was sitting in between his legs.

"Hm?" Jackson tried again. "Bammieeee." He started poking the younger's forearm. In response, BamBam just sighed and tried to pull away, but Jackson pulled him back.

"Why won't you talk to me, hm?" Jackson pestered. BamBam let out a huff. "I'm sorry, hm? I am. I know you don't believe me, but I am. I'm sorry." Jackson whispered into BamBam's ear before placing a kiss on his temple.

BamBam tried pulling away by tilting his head, but it pulled on the scars on his neck from the previous night, and caused him to flinch in pain.

"Argh!" BamBam hissed. He clamped his hand around his neck and tried to shuffle away again, but Jackson pulled him back.

"Let me help you." Jackson insisted. He brought his hand up to BamBam's neck and applied some pressure to the reopened wound. "Shh... it's ok... it's ok..." He reassured the squirming kid as he started whimpering. Jackson rubbed BamBam's arm and brought him closer to his chest, allowing the boy to cuddle in to him.

"Lie down, now, ok? I'll be back in a second." Jackson strode out of the room while BamBam climbed back under the bed covers, snuggling into the pillows. At first, he felt shivers dart down his spine, through his legs, but once he stayed still, he felt himself warm up.

BamBam closed his eyes tight, and let his thoughts take over. BamBam mused about what would happen to him if he stayed there - would he ultimately die if Jackson kept up his biting? What would Jackson say if BamBam told him he didn't want to be there anymore? What punishment would he receive?

Footsteps crept into the room, and BamBam guessed it was Jackson returning. He felt hot breath on his face, and it smelled bloody; it smelled unlike Jackson.

BamBam's curiosity got the better of him, so he opened his eyes to see an unfamiliar man staring down at him, their faces centimetres apart.

"Huh?" BamBam scooted backwards, the other man in tow, until he was backed up against the headboard. "G...Get out...."

"How cute are you. Jackson's lucky he got such a catch." The other man chuckled. "Shame really... I would've liked such a beauty. But... I suppose nobody can have it all..." He sighed.

"Who... are you?" BamBam asked warily.

"One of Jackson's mates. The name's Jonghyun. Kim Jonghyun." He announced.

"Where's Jackson?"

"You do like to ask a lot of questions, now don't you?" He shook his head disapprovingly. "He went out."

"Why?" BamBam pressed.

"Because he did."


"Because he wanted to."


"Because he had to do something."


"Because why has a long tail." Jonghyun snapped. "Now shut up."

"I don't like you." BamBam fired back.

"Well that makes two. Because I don't like you either."

"Why are you here?"

"Jackson told me to watch you. Now scooch." BamBam shuffled over to allow room for Jonghyun to sit next to him. He stretched his legs out on the bed and made himself comfortable.

"But... he said he'd be back in a second...?" BamBam pondered aloud, clearly confused.

"And you trusted him on that? Hahaha! You don't know Jackson then, kid." Jonghyun mocked. He tilted his head upwards. BamBam took this moment to examine his features.

He had extremely high cheekbones, that were very prominent towering over his thin lips and jawline, which could easily be used as a knife or dagger. He had light brown hair that was, like Jackson's, extremely messy, so much so that it looked stylish. His tanned skin perfectly complimented his Belgian chocolate coloured eyes. He looked Godly.

"Still though..." He continued. "What would you know? Now, what's your name, little one?"


"You seem unsure." Jonghyun teased, a small smirk playing around his mouth.

"BamBam. I'm... BamBam." BamBam stuttered.

"And I'm a vampire."

"I thought as much." BamBam mocked, to himself.

"You did, did you? I bet you did."

They both heard a pair of boots marching up the stairs and approach the room. BamBam craned his still sore neck to look through the doorway, only to see a familiar vampire approach them. He secretly felt relieved to see him return.

"Hey there, Wang." Jonghyun teased in a seductive tone. He got up from the bed and walked over to the taller male. Placing both hands on Jackson's shoulders, Jonghyun traced his lips gently over Jackson's, barely even touching them. This went on for several minutes, and BamBam was starting to get uncomfortable.

"Watch the fangs, babe." Jonghyun whispered. They were smiling into their... could you even call it a kiss? It was more of a teeth kiss than anything else.

BamBam started kicking his legs around in an attempt to distract himself. They seemed to sense BamBam's uncomfortable shuffling, and pulled away from each other.

"Don't worry, we're just messing around." Jackson reassured him.

"I'll be off now." Jonghyun cut through.

"Oh? So soon?"

"Yes. My Taemin is waiting for me back home." Jonghyun looked off into the distance, looking blinded by love.

"Right then. You do that." Jackson also started looking a little on edge. Jonghyun turned and made to exit.

"By the way," He stopped and turned around "He was a good boy." He smirked at BamBam, then left shortly after.

"Where did you go?" BamBam jumped on Jackson, both figuratively and literally.

Jackson pulled him off of his shoulders so he was kneeling on the bed, Jackson standing on the side. Jackson pulled out some pills and bandages from his jacket pocket, and shook them in his face.

"Don't think I'd just keep you hostage and not treat you right." Jackson smiled, a genuine smile.

BamBam hugged Jackson tightly. He didn't know what came over him, but he felt like Jackson wasn't that bad. Maybe vampires weren't that bad. Not bad at all...

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