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Kihyun stood up from the sofa. Silence lingered over the pair. It wasn't the awkward silence, neither a comfortable one. It was a warm one, yet one that could end in several ways.

BamBam looked up at the figure standing before him. His face was straight, seeming to be deep in thought. His lips slightly tugging downwards, but his eyes soft. The younger couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth around Kihyun, regardless of the difference in species.

"...Me?" Kihyun croaked out. His lips were left parted, his right eyebrow raised. Not looking the younger in the eye, he diverted his attention towards the Italian racing red tapestry next to him. How could someone as magnificent as BamBam fall in love with an ordinary being like himself?

"Of course," BamBam stood up. He was gonna have to use his inner actor that he didn't even know he was to get through this one. "Of course you."

Walking towards him, Kihyun held BamBam's face and studied every feature. Shamelessly, he eyed every contour, the shape of his eyes, the mole under his left, his sleek-bridged nose and his full, shell-pink lips. With no regret did he study his thinly-shaped eyebrows, the way he blinked as though time was moving in slow-motion, the twitch of his lips into what could be identified as a small grin. Kihyun didn't fail to take in a thing.

"BamBam..." he breathed, inching his face closer to the human in disguise's. "Beautiful BamBam," Kihyun sighed, staring at his lips. The pair edged closer together, barely ghosting over the skin-

-when the door burst open, and in marched the spawn of Satan that played the feature role in BamBam's nightmares.

"Jackson?" Kihyun questioned, holding BamBam closer to his chest. BamBam could already feel the tears beginning to form rivers at the rim of his eyes. Grabbing on to the rim of Kihyun's jacket, he tried to hide himself in the garments.

The hiding didn't last long though, as he felt himself being flung away from his safe base. Before he could fully register what was happening, BamBam was being pinned against a wall, nose-to-nose with the demon from hell.

"BamBam..." Jackson whispered, "I've been looking everywhere for you... why did you leave, hm? Did you not like it with me? Why did you go?" Jackson breathed on the younger's face. His breath reeked, making the air sting.

A hand soon appeared on the interrogator's shoulder, and was soon spun around to meet the face of a very angry bloodsucker.

"BamBam is mine. He loves me! He said so! And I love him which makes you what? Which makes you nothing!" Kihyun spat, clearly triggering a nerve in Jackson's temple.

"BamBam is nothing short of a piece of scum. If I hadn't taken him under my wing he'd be nothing. HE, would be nothing. I'm everything to him. I made him what he is so don't you dare tell me what makes me what." Jackson fired back, grabbing hold of Kihyun's collar.

Kihyun aimed a fist at Jackson's face, however missing and catching his shoulder. Looking past the demon's figure, Kihyun saw BamBam's petrified, worried figure cowering into a corner, covering his face. "You made him scared of you. Scared of me and scared of God knows who else."

Jackson lunged at Kihyun, attacking his neck with his teeth. Not to draw blood for consumption, but for pain. Ripping at his skin, Jackson didn't let go until he heard BamBam's plea.

"Stop! Enough! You ruin everything! Just stop!" BamBam hugged his knees on the floor, resembling a lost, scared little child.

"I'm coming for you baby..." Kihyun uttered. Clearly losing his grip on his life, Kihyun stumbled forwards before behind thrown backwards. BamBam didn't see what had happened next, as Jackson was bent over him, but judging by Kihyun's screaming, someone was being cursed by the stars.

Running out of the room, BamBam leant against the wall and began a long session of hyperventilating. Hearing blood-curdling screams and heart-clenching tears and rips, BamBam clutched onto the jacket that Kihyun had given him, and brought it up to his nose, sniffing it, giving him a sense of warmth and hope.

All hope was lost when silence screeched through the house. Jackson strolled out of the room, with nothing but a cut on his lip. Approaching BamBam, Jackson tapped the cut, and leaned closer to BamBam's lips. BamBam had no choice but to place a small kiss on the cut, and to cringe at the disgustingly familiar taste that lingered on his lips.

The fanged-male grabbed the other's hair and pulled him out of the house. Walking past the doorway that lead to the room in which the fight had taken place, the last thing BamBam saw was Kihyun's dead body hanging upside down by his feet, any hope of love and security, shattered.

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