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The drag back to Jackson's was painful. It was like a movie, with the devil himself as the director.

Jackson had linked his own arm with BamBam's, a vice grip on his hand. BamBam was going nowhere and Jackson made sure of it.

His back hurt, his arms hurt and his head hurt. He didn't want to keep walking along the back streets of the town, but he felt like he couldn't turn away. You know what they say: you become attached to your kidnapper.

Jackson let out a huff. Turning to BamBam, he made him stop walking and grabbed his shoulders. "BamBam," he spat in his face. Inhaling, he continued; "You honestly can't tell? You can't see what I'm feeling? You don't know what I want?"

BamBam's lip quivered. He knew. He knew all too well. "Well, do you?" The beast pressed. BamBam nodded. "So why don't you accept it? You're always running away from me. Maybe one day... you could run to me instead." Jackson looked sincere.

Shaking his head, BamBam disagreed. "I don't want to be hurt... I can't give you my blood forever..."

"It's not your blood I want," Jackson whispered, "It's... it's you." He stroked BamBam's arm with his hand, he stroked BamBam's lips with his own. "So what do you say?"

BamBam stood there, completely frozen. He didn't like what Jackson was doing to him, but didn't feel brave enough to stop it. Too afraid to stand up for himself and the consequences that followed.

Curling his hand around the younger's, Jackson began to walk again, this time with a bit of a spring in his step. However, BamBam was walking with a step duller than before.

Arriving back at Jackson's, the older peeled his jacket off and hung it on the end of the stairs, meanwhile, BamBam was tugging at his mouth, trying to pull his fake teeth out. Jackson strode towards him, and pulled his hands away from his mouth. "Leave them in," he whispered, "I want you to. Do it for me? Let's rework us."

The next thing he knew, he was in Jackson's embrace in his living room. The room was almost pitch-black, the way Jackson liked it. BamBam could barely make out the brownish tapestries draped on the walls, or the dark mahogany flooring beneath his feet. He pressed his ear to Jackson's chest, and concentrated on the regular up and down motion it performed. A hand snuck around BamBam's back and pressed warmth into it, making his muscles relax. He hid his head under Jackson's chin and prayed his neck would remain untouched.

He shuffled around for a bit before closing his eyes. He may as well kill some time, seeing as he probably wouldn't be able to get up any time soon.

"You know... I didn't think I'd ever like you. I suppose after seeing you with somebody else I realised that nobody else is allowed to have you. I'm the only one that's allowed to have you," Jackson kissed BamBam's forehead, "I'm the only one that's allowed to hold you," he kissed his forehead again, "and I'm the only one that you're allowed to love. Sleep well, pretty boy."

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