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Not really sure about the title so if you think of a better one, let me know and maybe I'll change it.

"God damn it, Ryan! Help me!" I was failing miserably at tieing my tie and it was frustrating me to no end. I heard Ryan come back into the room and snort, most likely finding the sight of my tangled fingers hilarious.

"Why don't you just ask your boyfriend since he's right here?"

My head shot up and instinctively I took a step towards Cyrus, tripping on my untied shoe laces along the way. I ended up sprawled on the floor of my bedroom, my hot cheek pressed against the wood.

Warm hands grabbed me under the shoulders and hauled me up, a sort of buzz traveling across my skin at the contact.

A white t-shirt and a suit jacket. What the hell? It wasn't even that fancy. So why did it send butterflies flying when I looked at him?

"You alright?"

Meeting his eyes, I nodded. I realized I'd zoned out and was quickly on my way to doing it again, this time lost in his eyes.

Then he was tugging at my tie, sliding it off my shoulders and I was watching his fingers instead. He slipped it on the short cornerpost of my bed and they tied it with ease. He smiled at me.

"A bit much, don't you think? You don't have to get all dressed up for me." As he said this, his gaze slid up and down my body, causing a heat to rise in my face. "Gorgoues just as you are, I promise."

"But you're worth getting dressed up for." The heat turned burning. Those words were supposed to stay in my head! Cyrus' cheeks suddenly tinged pink and a bit of his old shyness surfaced as he shuffled his feet.

The sound of a loud bang echoed in the not quite awkward silence and we both jumped. I very nearly tripped again but Cyrus caught me. I shot a glare at Ryan as I steadied myself. He just smirked. Asshole.

"You should probably get going," he laughed. "Reservations in an hour."

I nodded and started to walk when Cyrus placed a hand on my chest.

"What?" I asked, very confused.

"Your shoelaces are untied," he muttered, dropping to his knees and god, that action kinda made my heart go a bit crazy. But I pushed those thoughts aside, having to much respect for him to entertain such thoughts of him so early in our relationship.

Glancing up at me, he tied my shoes and kept eye contact as he stood. He held an arm to me.

"Shall we leave, my lady?" he asked in a fake fancy voice. I couldn't help grinning as I looped my arm through his.

"We shall."

A Weird Beginning (Jyrus) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now