Chapter one (10-30-99-8:11)

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10-30-99-8:11 walked over to her dresser. She pulled out a simple pair of grey jeans and long sleeve shirt. Slipping them on, she examined herself in the mirror.

She tended to slouch but she was still tall and gangly. She turned and slipped on her ankle lace up boots.

She walked down the hall to the dining room. Her mother was sitting at the table, sipping from a teacup and reading a newspaper. Her father and brother were nowhere in sight.

"Good morning Pride." 10-30-99-8:11 greeted. Using titles such as "mother" and "father" was shameful. You shouldn't hide behind nicknames, be called as you are; a name or a number.

Pride nodded curtly and continued to read. 10-30-99-8:11 sat down quietly beside her, ignoring Pride's glare. A servant brought her a plate of breakfast and she ate in silence.

"Good morning." Prodigy boomed, walking into the dining room.

Pride beamed at her son. "Hello Prodigy. How was your sleep?" she asked, setting her newspaper down.

"Very good, thank you for asking." Prodigy replied.

Pride looked at her son lovingly. 10-30-99-8:11 watched the exchange silently. Pride was a cold stone around her but a caring mother around Prodigy.

Prodigy sat down, leaving an empty seat between himself and 10-30-99-8:11.

She continued to eat her breakfast while Pride and Prodigy continued with their light conversation. She didn't say anything, knowing they would ignore her anyway.

"Where is Strong?" Pride asked. A servant came up from behind Prodigy and placed a plate of food in front of him. He grabbed his fork and began stuffing food into his mouth, ignoring Pride.

"Prodigy.." She warned, her voice dangerously low. He continued to eat, not looking up. "Prodigy!" she snapped. He looked up reluctantly. "Where. Is. Strong?" Her words came out slow and she enunciated each letter. She didn't like being ignored. It was shameful and she would not tolerate it.

"Pride, I think you know where he is." Prodigy deadpanned.

Pride's eyes filled with murder and she sat up, knocking her cup of tea over. A servant ran up with a rag, trying to clean the mess. Pride stormed out the door and nearly tripped over the servant.

She was going to find Strong who was, undoubtedly, in bed with Reckless.

Reckless was named at 11, a Young Name. Now 23, she was even more carefree and reckless. Pride had caught Strong in bed with her before. Many times.

Strong hated his wife. She was always nagging him and she cared more about her image than anything else. She never let her emotions show and Strong often compared her to a statue.

Strong was a needy man, and when his wife didn't satisfy him, he went to Reckless. She didn't care he had a wife. He felt unloved and she wanted to love him.

Pride burst through Strong's bedroom door to find both Strong and Reckless asleep, together. She flipped the light switch on and glared at the two. She tried to form words through her anger.

Strong opened his eyes to see Pride looming over him. His arm instinctively reached out to Reckless, making Pride furrow her eyebrows. He could see her lip quivering. She wasn't crying; she was trying to calm down.

He had seen her this way many times. Pride never spoke when she was angry, she always waited until she calmed down so she could keep her image.

Several minutes passed and Reckless was still asleep while Pride stood over her, calming her nerves. Strong had invited Reckless to his home last night and she had come.

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