Chapter five (10-30-99-8:11)

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"How many of them are there?" a lady yelled out.

10-30-99-8:11 stood in the center of the tribe, answering questions. As soon as her and Zeb had walked out of his hut, the people had come rushing at her, asking questions.

"How did you get past alfesi?"

"Show us your numbers!"

"Yeah the numbers!"

Overwhelmed by all the questions, 10-30-99-8:11 pulled her sleeve up, revealing her numbers to the tribe. They let out a collective gasp and she quickly pulled her sleeve back down.

"" she was cut off when a man ran up to her, holding a crude knife to her throat.

"How do we know you aren't here to kill us?" he yelled in her ear. His breath was hot and it stung her eyes.

"Get away from her!" Zeb yelled, pulling on the man. But he didn't budge, he pushed the knife harder against her skin but it didn't break through.

The man furrowed his brow and swiped the knife across her neck. 10-30-99-8:11 stood there, her neck wasn't bleeding. It didn't even have a mark.

"What the hell..." the man muttered.

"Are you okay?" Zeb asked, holding onto her arm. She leaned into him, trying not to fall. Her hands lifted up to her neck and she felt the skin. Smooth. There wasn't a cut or even a scratch.

"I think I-"

10-30-99-8:11 was interrupted again when a young boy ran up into the crowd, yelling senseless words.

He ran around the people, smacking some women on the butt, making the men angry. Soon, men and women alike were chasing the boy around the huts.

10-30-99-8:11 stood there, watching the boy run around with a trail of angry people behind him. But no one noticed when 10-30-99-8:11 felt a hand cover her mouth and a strong arm encircle her waist and pull her away.

She was pulled backward, her feet dragged across the ground.

"Pick your damn feet up." the man holding her cursed.

She glanced down at his arms and saw numbers. He was older than her.

"That's right." He said, squeezing her waist tighter. "Now pick up your damn feet!"

She obeyed and pulled her feet up. The man swung her around and now she was facing forward as the man started to run, still holding her waist. He removed his hand from her mouth and picked her legs up, holding her bride style.

She could see his face for the first time. He had a boyish look, with tan skin and brown tousled hair.

"Like what you see?" he asked smugly. She looked down and scowled.

"Where are you taking me?" she demanded.

He didn't answer, instead, he picked up his speed. They went deeper and deeper into the forest. Finally, he stopped and dropped her. She landed on the ground in a heap.

"Stand up." he said, staring down at her. She stood up and wiped the leaves off her pants and shirt, still scowling.

"What are-" she was interrupted when a young girl came running up beside them. She looked over 10-30-99-8:11 and then back to the boy.

"Ed, she's ugly." The girl stated.

"Ed?" 10-30-99-8:11 said, looking at him. How could he have a name when there where numbers on his arm.

Jon and the girl laughed mockingly. "And she's stupid." the girl said.

"Well it doesn't matter how stupid she is, we can't have her blabbing any more information to those tribes." Ed said.

"Why don't we kill her?" the girl asked.

"Dany!" Ed exclaimed.

"What? I don't see the use in keeping her. I doubt she will want to help us, will you?" Dany asked, holding her hands on her hips.

10-30-99-8:11 stared at the two. The girl named Dany had numbers on her arm too. "Who are you?" she asked.

The girl rolled her eyes. "I'm Dany and this is Ed." she said.

"No. What are you?" 10-30-99-8:11 asked.

"We are the Regenerated." A voice said from behind them. All three of them turned around and saw a older boy standing there. He was wearing short sleeves and 10-30-99-8:11 glanced down at his arm. He had a number too.

He born on the same day as her brother, only four minutes sooner.

"The... regenerated?" 10-30-99-8:11 asked.

"Follow me." the man commanded. He turned and began walking deeper into the woods.

Dany and Ed followed, leaving 10-30-99-8:11 standing still, watching them walk away.

"C'mon- uhh..." Dany trailed off, not knowing what to call her.

"10-30-99-8:11" 10-30-99-8:11 replied.

"Right.. I'm not going to call you that. How about-"

"No." The man interrupted.

"What?" Dany asked.

"You can't give her a nickname. She has to pick her name like everyone else." He said.

"Pick my name?" 10-30-99-8:11 asked. How could she pick her name when it wasn't the time yet.

"Yes. Pick now." he said.

"Well what's your name?"

"His name is-" Dany began.

"Jon." he finished.

"Oh... But these aren't names." 10-30-99-8:11 protested.

"They're Regenerate names." Jon said.

"Well I don't know any." 10-30-99-8:11 said, crossing her arms.

"Fine. Pick your own. But you have to choose now." Jon said.

The group continued walking but everyone was staring at 10-30-99-8:11. She didn't understand why these people wanted her to pick a name, and she didn't know what name to pick.

10-30-99-8:11 had never thought of any names, she wasn't supposed to.

"I can't." she said.

"A name is important." Ed said.

"No it's not." Jon said firmly. "A name is exactly that; a name. It doesn't mean anything. Now choose."

"But your name tells you who you are." 10-30-99-8:11 said. "It decides you who you will be."

"No. You decide who you are." Jon said. "Now choose." he repeated, more firmly this time.


"Ten?" Dany asked, raising her eyebrows. "That's stupid. It's still a number."

"No. That's my name." the now named Ten said.

"You are now Ten." Jon said. "Forget anything else you've ever been called. You are Ten."

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