Chapter 3

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Sakura looked at her sensei. "How about you go first so we know how to do it?" She smiled sweetly making those around her gag.

"Maa my name is Hatake Kakashi. I like many things that your too young for..."'I love my little Kitsune.' ".. and dislike a lot of things." 'The redhead who's close to my little Kitsune.' " Hobbies? I have a lot of hobbies.." 'Looking after my Kitsune and reading Icha Icha.' " As for my dreams I haven't really thought about it. Now pinky." Sakura and Sasuke sweat dropped before screaming out. "MY NAME'S NOT PINKY! Anyway what I like..."she looked towards Sasuke and screams happily."..I dislike Ino-pig! and na-"

"Finish that sentence and It would be the last you've spoken." Kurama glared at her, eyes flashing brightly for a second.

She wisely shut up. Kakashi glared at the red head secretly before turning his attention to sakura. "How about dream for the future?" He said making sakura look at Sasuke and squealed. "Right." He sweat dropped. " Now duck butt." He said making Sasuke glare.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I have no likes and I have a lot of dislikes." He glared at Sakura. "Dream, I have no dream I will make it an ambition. I will kill a certain man." He said putting his hands under his chin brooding.

'So he still want's to kill Itachi.' Kakashi pointed to the redhead. "You."

Kurama smirked showing his sharpened teeth. " Uzu Kurama. Pleasure to meet you. I like...." He pondered for a few seconds. "..No what I love is Naruto. I hate Konohagakure, fangirls and the Uchiha. Dream?" He smirked wider making the people around him shiver. "Is to destroy Konoha and Kill a certain Uchiha."

Sasuke bristled, Sakura shivered at the KI emitting from him and Kakashi narrowed his eyes. 'I'll have to report this to the Hokage.' "Now Naruto." He said eye-smiling ignoring the other two students who where mad at him for giving them nicknames and not Naruto.

Naruto hearing his name yawned making him look kinda cute as he started rubbing his eyes. "My name is Naruto!" He said energetically. " I love Kurama, ramen, anbu guard inu, gardening and painting, I dislike some of the villagers, lies, and loud noises. My dream is to maybe be Hokage."

That shocked a few people. Sasuke in his mind thinking Naruto the dope dislikes people and doesn't want to be Hokage. Kakashi blushed under his mask at the thought of Naruto liking him, well the Inu anbu him. Though was sad that the Naruto the one who since he was little screamed to everyone saying he wanted to be Hokage said maybe to that. "I thought that was your dream, you screamed it to everyone." Sakura said.

Naruto looked to her contemplating his answer. "Well...Why would I be Hokage to a village who treats me like dirt, even yet why would I want to save the people who were mean to me."He stated. "Though don't get me wrong I do what to be Hokage just if the villagers start treating me as a person. "

Everyone was silent not knowing what to say. 'So we have a fangirl and a emo avenged brat who has family issues, a redhead who wants to destroy Kohana and Naruto who doesn't know if he wants to be Hokage.' Kakashi spoke breaking the silence. "Oka well that's over with, I want you to meet me tomorrow at training ground 7 at exactly 6:00. Your going to do a survival test to see if you will become genin." Kakashi said.

"But we already passed graduation exam, were already genin." Sakura said.

Kakashi snickered. "That was actually a test to see if you are about to become genin. Oh and don't eat breakfast or you'll puke." Kakashi explained then shunshined away before anyone could say anything else Naruto and Kurama secretly doing the same.

Sakura looked towards Sasuke and grabbed his arm. "Wanna go on a date with me Sasuke-kun!" She asked.

Sasuke pushed her off. "No, your annoying." He said before walking away with his hands in his pockets.

Sakura deflated before turning to Naruto. "No Nar-" She started but was cut off when she noticed no one their. She sighed and headed for home. Thinking about the test.

With Kurama and Naruto

They arrived in Naruto's apartment in a shunshin. Kurama picked up Naruto and layed him on the bed looking him in the eyes seeing a blush he smirked.

Naruto who was looking in Kurama's red eyes said. "So what do you think the test will be about Kyu?"

Kurama in questioned leaned down capturing Naruto's lips with his. "Probably team work all these Kohona ninjas rely on team work." He murmured, his hand trailing downward wanting him.

Naruto grabbed his hand stopping him making him growl. "No Kyu we have to be ready for the test and I would like to walk."

Kurama sighed. "Fine." He layed on the bed with Naruto bringing him close, Naruto laying his head on Kurama's chest listening to his heartbeat. " I love you Kyu." He whispered snuggling close feeling fingers go threw his hair making him sleepy.

Kurama playing with Naruto's hair kissed him on the head. " I love you too Naru."

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