Chapter 4

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The next morning there could be found a red head and a blond head sleeping together which was peacefully ruined by an alarm clock.


Kurama groaned taking the alarm clock and throwing it before wrapping his arms around Naruto.

Naruto woke up to hearing crash already knowing what it was. "Seriously Kyu that's the 4th one this week." He grumbled in annoyance and started to get up but Kurama tightened his hold.

"We have to get up, we have to meet Kakashi at the bridge remember." He said getting up and dragging him out with him. "Now put clothes on and get ready." He said making him pout.

"Fine." He growled out letting go and went towards the bathroom.

Naruto sighed before getting dressed in a red tight shirt and black anbu pants. He wore red boots with metal laces. To complete the look he wore a kitsune necklace that Kyu gave him for his birthday and the Konoha headband around his neck. He looked into the mirror and inspected himself noticing the long hair and sighed. "Kyu! Why's my hair longer!"He yelled. 

Kurama came down putting a shirt on. He was dressed in a black loose t-shirt and red pants and sandals. His hair was in a pony tail and he had an earring in shape of a fox which is connected to the necklace that's around Naruto's neck. "I put someone of my chakra into you last night to get accustomed to it, I guess it had some side affects." He shrugged not caring. "The long hair suits you though." He said smirking and running a hand through his hair. 'Though I did the long hair my self he doesn't need to know that.' He mused.

Naruto sighed once again and started walking to the door. "Let's go."

Kurama just smirked and followed. 


When they arrived at the bridge they saw Sakura once again flirting with the brooding emo unaware of the two approaching. Sasuke on the other hand looked towards Naruto noticing the slight difference in him. 'The dope actually looks cute with long hair.' He thought and turned away quickly as for them to not notice the little blush adorning his pale white cheeks.

Sakura seeing him turn away notice naruto and the scary red head that hurt her in the classroom. She opened her mouth to say something but then stopped when she saw Kurama glare at her. She just huffed and went back to swooning over her precious Sasuke-kun.

Kurama took Naruro's hand in his and brought it up to his lips kissing it softly. "The scarecrow will probably be late again." Kurama grumbled annoyed moving away from his blond to the forest. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go hunting." He said smirking.

Naruto just nodded and sat by a stump watching his lover go. 'Don't kill any humans.' He thought to Kurama.

'No promise's. The thrill of a hunt always excites me'

As soon as Kurama was out of sight Sasuke took this chance to go over to Naruto. He walked towards him with his hands in his pockets. "Hn dope?"

"What teme?" Naruto said looking at him.

Sasuke cocked his head to the side a little. "What's with the long hair, you look like a girl." He said smirking trying to rile him up.

Naruto in turn glared at the dark haired boy at the thought of being compared to a girl. "Kyu did this." He said pouting a little making him look more adorable then he already was.

"Kyu?" He questioned eyes narrowed.

"Kurama." Naruto said with a glare making Sasuke smirk and reach out. He went to touch the smooth blond hair when a hand caught his wrist. 

"Maa no more diddy-daddiling we have a test to do." Kakashi said arriving and looking around. "Where's the red head?" He questioned. 'Not that I care.' He thought internally glaring. 'He spends to much time with Naruto...maybe he's a spy.."

Naruto went to speak but was cut off by the voice that they was looking for.

"I'm here." Kurama said arriving into the clearing making Naruto sigh and those around him gasp. Kurama not understanding what's wrong tilted his head to the left. "What?"

Naruto sighed. 'And I'm suppose to be the oblivious one.' "Kyu, you have blood on you next time clean off when your done with your hunt."He said making Kurama smirk.

Kurama being the sligh fox he is walked up to his little Kitsune. "I can't because I'll need you with me running your h-" he was cut of by a hand covering his mouth and a glare directed at him. "Quiet Kakashi-sensei is here." He said pointing to the lazy jounin staring at them.

"Che as if I care." He said walking towards Kakashi going up close so only the silver haired Jounin will be able to hear him. "You know," he said demonically, "you will have to get through me before I even think if your good enough for my kit. Prove to me your worthy." He said before walking towards Naruto with a smirk on his face.

Kakashi  narrowed his eyes at the threat and challenge. 'I accept your challenge.' He thought before bringing out an alarm clock and setting it on a stump and took out three shiny silvery bells. "Before the time runs out you need to steal these bells."

"But sensei," Sakura started. "There are only three bells and  four of us."

"Way to point out the obvious." Kurama muttered earning a nasty look from Sakura which he ignored.

Kakashi ignored Kuramas comment and nodded. "That's because one of you will be sent back to the academy.

"WHAT?!" Sakura screeched.

Kurama, Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi winced at the loud volume.

"What if you get hurt?" She said quietly.

Kakashi  was angry she thought lowly of him as he was a jounin and she was a genin muttered, "Alright, the test starts!"


Im done for now ja ne!

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