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I looked at him like he crazy.

Me: You joking right.

Mateo: Think about it, We can get matching tattoos, Then you can get whatever tattoo you want.

I sighed.

Me: Fine, Lets do it.

He smiled.


We were at the tattoo place and I decided to get a henna tattoo, a tattoo of Tay's name and a tattoo of Mateo's name.

Mateo is getting a tattoo of my name and Tay Tay as well and another one.

We got called and I went first.

I got Tay's name on my arm and Mateo's on my wrist.

Then I got my henna tattoo and it hurt like crap.

But it looked bomb.

Mateo got his and he acted more of a pussy

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Mateo got his and he acted more of a pussy.

It was funny.

We were done and we went to lunch.

Tay was sleeping.

Mateo was driving.

Me: You were acting like a little bitch.

Mateo: That's not what you were saying when I had you screaming last night baby girl.

I rolled my eyes.

He touched my thigh.

Mateo: Are you going to give me another baby, I wanna girl.

I just looked at him.

Me: I just had Tay, No bitch no.

Mateo: Come on how bad could it be.

Me: Bad, That shit hurts.

Mateo: Come on baby.

Me: No Mateo, Guess what your gonna have a baby with Kayla, You might get lucky and have a girl.

Mateo: I want it with you.

Me: No.

Mateo: So you don't want more kids.

Me: Maybe in the future, But not now.

He sighed and rolled his eyes.

I went on my phone.

It was silent the rest of the way.

We got there.

We went to In N Out Burger, They food is bomb.

We ate outside.

We order our food.

Mateo: Pretty soon your going to be Mrs. Bowles.

I smiled.

Me: What about kayla.

Mateo: What about her.

Me: She's pregnant.

Mateo: Don't worry about that okay.

Me: How can I not.

He sighed.

Tay started crying.

He was soaked.

Me: I'm going to change him I'll be back.

I grabbed his diaper bag and took him out his stroller, I walked to the bathroom.

I walked inside, it was crowded, I went inside the bathroom.

I set him down on the changing Table.

I took off his clothes, I changed his diaper and changed him into some other clothes.

I gave him a pacifier.

I put everything back, I washed my hands and walked back outside with Tay in my arms.

I saw something, I grew pissed.

Mateo and Kayla were talking.

I walked over there.

Me: Why is she here Mateo.

Mateo: I don't she just came.

Kayla looked at me then rolled her eyes.

Kayla: Listen I need you over this weekend to find out the gender of the baby.

Me: I'm sorry he can't.

Mateo: I'll be there.

I just looked at him with anger.

I put Tay in his stroller.

I put my food in a to go box.

I grabbed his diaper bag.

Me: I hope you know were engaged.

I walked off Pushing the stroller to the car.

I put Tay in the car and the stroller in the trunk.

I got in the car and went on my phone.

Mateo came in the car and started it.

Mateo: What the hell is your problem.

Me: That Bitch.

He rolled his eyes and continued to drive.

While I talked and cussed at him.

We got to the house and I put Tay down for a nap.

I closed the door a little, I walked downstairs and crossed my arms as Mateo sat on the couch.

Me: I don't understand why you still talk to her, your really getting on my nerves, I don't know why I even said yes to your bitch ass-

Next thing I knew I was backed up into a wall.

Mateo: You really need to stop acting like a jealous bitch, I love you Alexis with all my heart I do, that's why I purposed, But I'm not going to let you boss me around like a little bitch because I'm not, I need you to know that Tay is not my only child, I have another one on the way, I know your pissed, I get it Alex, I made a mistake, but tripping out about it and throwing a tantrum is not going to fix it, I take care of you and Tay and try to make you happy, but you acting like this is not helping me, Now I'm going to My mom's house with Tay so you can calm down, I'll be back later.

He walked upstairs and grabbed Tay then came down walked to the door.

I was in tears.

Mateo: Get your self together Alexis.

He walked out.

Leaving me here by myself.

He left.

Hope is with my auntie.

I was crying.

I slid down the wall.

Crying my heart out.

I am a jealous Bitch.


Hope you enjoyed.



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