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         "Hello?  Hello!?  Anybot there?!?" I call out,hoping for someone to come,preferably one of them.

            I had been calling for so long,I had lost count of the passage of time.  Even my heating plates under my armor plates weren't enough to keep the biting winds from nearly freezing me in the cold 'rain'.  I had spent days trying to find them,the Primes.  If I could find them,they would 'help' me.  That's what I have been told anyway.  So far,no luck.

"Hello?!  Who's there?!". I hear a slight tinkling voice call,from one of the large hunks of Cybermatter ahead of me,to my right.

I can't help but mewl in shock as a tall,to me,figure jumps into my path.  Said figure is decidedly feminine.  She is a silver with white and gold decals and detailing.  Both optics are a startling electric blue that I cannot help but stare at,and for a fraction to long.  I am grabbed by the scruff bar,and swung up into a pair of,surprisingly,gentle servos.  Whoever it is,I enjoy the added heat and snuggle with their arm plates.

What I'm not expecting is for her to rub in between my audial receptors,under my chin,and proceed to scratch behind my left audial.  All of which draw long rumbling purrs from me.

A new voice speaks up "That cyber cat,or should I say,Cyber kitten,is definately cute and cuddly,huh Solus?"

I almost jump at his,I think it's a he,voice,and he then bursts into laughter.  While he does that,I look up at him,and he doesn't seem to notice.

But Solus does.  And looks straight into my optics.  With shock evident on her faceplates,probably from my optics.

"Alpha...". She begins,"we may have a slight problem."

'Alpha' looks at me,and into my optics,and his expression remains stoic.

"I see no problem sister.  If it is her optics,just know that all cyber cats have strange optics,some on record have had violet,others white,or red,or blue.  Some have had one optic in one color,the other completely different.". He states.

With that,Solus smiles and the two seem to have decided to take me inside,and probably to a medic as well.  Most would not last as long in that level of cold.  The last I see of outside is nearly indiscernible, but I believe I see one of my comrades.  One of the other Cryptiz.  But they are gone just as quickly as they appeared.

Once we are inside,the doors screech shut,sounding ominous.  A moment after,I am drifting into recharge.

Shining ThroughTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang