Chapter 3

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"N... Ni... Night...Nightblade... Nightblade!  I call you out of the Void!  Enter the Allspark!"  I flinch and open my optics before trying to turn and see who is speaking to me.  For a moment, I fear that it is Unicron, until I realise that the voice said Allspark.  And only two beings have the power to call a spark into the Allspark.  Especially if that spark had entered the Void.  Primus, and Fate.

  A bright flash, and I am laying on the ground, in a large study.  I flip myself over with my servos and my tail, landing on my pedes.  I flick my optics around, barely taking in the white, blue and silver walls that are Primus' favorite colors.  My gaze is almost instantly drawn to ten figures, the Primes.  Excepting Megatronus.  It takes me a moment to realise who is missing.  Alpha.  I spot Solus and look down, not wanting to meet her optics.

  "Peace, Nightblade.  We did not call you here because of grudges.  We called you because it is time."  A taller figure steps forward, the owner of the voice that had now spoken twice.  His plates are mainly white, accented with silver and glowing blue.  His plates are smooth and the complete opposite of Unicron's.  Primus.

  I lower my audial receptors, pressing them against the top of my helm until the tips point towards my scruff bar.  My tail curls around my legs, and all of my plates flatten, making me look smaller.  I feel a pulse as my seams and optics glow purple.  In turn, the same happens to Primus and the Primes, but blue.

  "I-I..."  I try to say something, but find myself incapable.

  "Night, it's okay.  You didn't know what would happen.  You just did what you thought was right.  You did what you were created to do.  If anything, it is Unicron who is at fault.  He tricked you, he used you.  We don't blame you."  Solus tries to calm me down, to make me feel better.  But she only makes me feel worse.  I suddenly get my voice back.

  "But I let him trick me!!  I wasn't smart enough to figure it out, and you died because of it!  No matter what I did to make you forgive me, whatever it is, I don't deserve your forgiveness.  You lost your brother, he killed you Solus!  And I didn't do a fragging thing about it!  I could've... I should have done something!  Anything!  And I stood there, smiled and acted like I didn't care!  Why are you forgiving me?!  I did nothing to deserve it!" 

  After I finish my little shpeal, I fall to my knees and sob.  Images flash through my helm, images of what I could have done.  But these images are quickly replaced with flashes, starting and ending with silver and gold.  Flashes that I know Fate has decided to show me, flashes of what would have been if I had done anything else.  And from the gasps around me, the Primes and Primus are touching my backs plates, and seeing the same alternates as I am.
  I attack Megatronus when he raises his sword, parrying with Daeron.  I jump and kick his helm, until a pain erupts in my helm and my body is engulfed in a pain that I know is caused by Dark Energon.  And swiftly, the Primes are cut down by my siblings, and Primus by Unicron.

  I turn immediately and attack Unicron, punching, but he wrenches at my chest armor, and rips my spark out.  A black flash erupts from my body and slices the Primes and Primus in half.

  Standing in my room, I make a decision.  I will not follow Unicron's orders.  I will warn the Primes and Primus, and we can surprise Unicron.

  I told them.  We are ready.  But just as we get into position, Unicron leaps and my 'siblings' follow.  They stab each of those standing around me, before doing the same to me.

  "How?"  I ask, desperate.  "I created you.  I see your thoughts.  I control you.  And now, you DIE!"  Unicron twists the sword, and I am pulled to the Void.

  I mewl, and tightly shut my optics.  It does no good.  The images from the visions follow me, but I know they are over.

  "What was that?"  Prima questions, trying to intake and calm himself.  "Fate.  That is what would have happened if Nightblade would have interfered."

  "But, why would Fate send those visions?  And how did we see them?"  This time, it is Micronus who speaks.

  "If one comes into contact with a seer during a vision, they will share that vision.  Only Fate knows why.  And she sent those visions because she wanted me to know that what would have come from me doing anything else.  Anything that I did not do.  Those visions show what happened to my alternates from other realities.  Seers have limited access to those realities, and to the time streams.  When we speak a prophecy, it is of the dimension set and reality we are in.  We do not know exactly when or where they will occur, however.  Our visions are of multiple dimensions and realities.  We usually do not know which one, or ones.  Fate picks her seers, and we often do not know why she chooses us."  I speak up, feeling the need to elaborate.  "And I assume now that I am here because the darkness is stirring, and I am needed.  Correct?"  As I finish, I lock optics with Primus.  I feel them glowing gold, and silver.

  "Yes, I will send you there now.  And you need not worry about Unicron controlling you, Fate has told me so.  After all, I need to know some of what is to come."  Primus confirms my question.  "Very well.  Goodbye."  I turn and nod at the Primes.

  A blue flash, and I am waking up.

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