A Man Full of Lies....

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Spencer's Pov:

I laid in bed for most of day, just waiting for Toby to call, text, or something.

Today was supposed to be perfect but his work got in the way. Sometimes I feel like I put more into the relationship than he does. No Spencer he loves you! He has to work! Why do you have to be so selfish?!

"You know what I'll just go over to his loft and make him a romantic dinner. It could be a way of repaying him for being such a great boyfriend." I said to myself while grabbing my phone and heading over to the loft.

Once I reached the loft I went straight inside and started getting to work. After about thirty minutes the lasagna was ready. I placed the lasagna on plates and lit the candles that I had placed around the room. Once it was all finished all I had to do was wait.

It wasn't until six thirty that I heard a noise coming from the front door. Which was weird because Toby wasn't off until seven. I quietly tiptoed to the front door to see if Toby was home but what I saw was absolutely heart breaking.

I saw Toby alright but he wasn't alone. He had some random girl pinned up against the wall, running his hands up her thighs, kissing her neck, completely oblivious to me standing there.

I was stunned. I couldn't believe that my Toby would cheat on me. When I finally snapped back into reality I said the first thing that came to my mind....

"WHAT THE HELL TOBY?!" I screamed.

Suddenly aware of my presence he jumped back shocked that I was there. A flash of guilt struck his eyes.

"Spencer its not what it looks like." He finally manages to say not looking into my eyes.

"Oh, so you didn't just have your tongue down that sluts throat?!" I said now with tears running down my cheeks.

"She means nothing to me." He said searching my eyes for hope maybe? You know what they say about hope,"It breeds eternal misery".

Then the slut speaks up making the matter worse. "We have been at this for three months now and I mean nothing to you?"

Ouch, just knowing that this has been happening for three months just hurts more. Did he ever love me? I ask myself while a new fresh layer of tears rush down my now bright red cheeks.

"Can you shut up!" Toby hisses at her.

"Spencer I love you..." He starts but I cut him off.

"Do you? Did you ever love me?" I ask angrily.

"Yes I did Spencer I still do!" He answers calmly.

"I'm done. I don't want to hear anymore Toby! I'm done! Do not try to contact me ever! We're done!" I said while grabbing my stuff and slamming the door on the way out.

After a while of driving and calming down, I decided to go to the only place in the world that I feel loved and at home....

The Montgomery Household....

Sorry it took so long. I just had a lot of school and family matters to deal with but anyway I hoped you liked this chapter! -Graycee

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