what now

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Edd shook at when tord yelled at him "w-what? " he grabbed tords hand and dashed his way out toms room going pale as the toms bedroom tord slammed open and hearing loud growling and loud thumps as Tom tried to catch up to them, tord looked over he's shoulder and Tom isn't as far away as he thought to tell you the truth Tom is right on their tails tord panicked and looked at edd who was struggling to keep up with tord " EDD DO YOU STILL HAVE THOSE MONSTER CHAINS"

Edd looked at tord panting heavily and nodded fastly "u-uh I think.... So ...their in the.... In the... THE SHED THEIR IN THE SHED! " he yelled when he remembered where he put them . Tord nodded and looked at the back door and slammed it open pushing edd to the side as he dashed his way to the shed.  Edd was gonna yell at him but that's when.. SLAM!!

Tom swingged the door open nearly breaking it and roared in anger his tail thumping against the floor as he used it to give himself a boost to try and catch his target ignoring completely edd was right next to his paws. Tord didn't dare to look back he knows toms behing him probably seconds away from him.  He struggled with the shed door cursing as he finally got it open and looked for the monster chain he smiled when he founded grabbing them quickily however as he turned around he was met with a swing of a claw aimed at his neck but he managed to dodge it but not completely, he landed on his already damage side he fell to the floor grabbing onto his side screaming in agony he tried to escape from Tom he was gonna die if didn't do something he looked at the chains but... They weren't there anymore he panicked and looked at Tom but Tom was on the floor with chains already around his neck and arms and legs he tilted his head weakly did he just did magic or did god heard him..

Sadly none of them, Matt was holding tom down with incredible strength he smiled a bit but everything around him was turning black he let a soft groan as matt and edd starts to scream and run towards him.

~Two hours later~

Tord groaned loudly and tried his best to open his eyes but even if they were open he can barely tell sense everything is damn blurry his head is pounding and he's body feel numb and yet he still feels pain everywhere.  Tord ran a hand through his hair helping as a sharp pain went through his arm as he lifted it up.  He whimpered and slowly tried to sat up where was he ,his definitely not in heaven nor the hospital is he in the living room wasn't he bleeding to death tord pulled off the blanket off him and tried to look at his injured side.

It looks horrible ,more than it already was,  at least someone sowed the injury while he was unconscious but it still hurts , he widen his eyes when he remmeber " Tom.. " he looked at the hallway and tried to get up from the couch falling to his knees with the pain on his side holding it and putting pressure on it to try and push through the pain.

To no success it just made it more painful, matt had an icecream bowl in his hands going to check on tord he nearlydropped the bowl as he noticed tord on the ground trying to get up he immediately grabbed onto tord and gently putting him back in the couch " what are you doing!?!?  Are you trying to open up your wound?!?  Get back to b-" "WHERES TOM... WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM" he yelled at Matt and Matt flinched at the yelling tord sighed and looked away "I'm sorry"

Matt looked away and gripped his arm putting his bowl of icecream on the coffee table " his outside with edd he's still screaming and growling at us like... If he doesn't recognize us... We had to erase the neighbors memory so they wouldn't call the police or monster control on Tom to take him away " Matt expression for darker and darker as he tolled tord

Tord looked Matt with horror this his fault ..he shouldn't have done it.. He should have done it with someone else what was he thinking.. He mentally beat himself up about it and tried again to get up again the same results happen luckily this time he didn't fall on the floor but he did get shoved down onto the couch and the blanket was on top of him again "stay here tord he need rest and lots of it from what I can tell "

Tord growled "you aren't my mother I'm fine Matt let me go! " he tried to get up again and Matt shook his head and kept him down tord trashed around trying to wiggle out of matt's grip "STOP I NEED TO SE EHIM I HAVE TO SEE HIM LET ME GO I HAVE TO FIX H-AA"  hes eyes widened as he felt teeth on his neck but very very deep too deep for normal human teeth , he tried to keep talking but everything that came out was silent as he felt hazy and weak, he tried to push off Matt but he just fell unconscious in matt's arms, Matt softly laying him back and putting the blanket on tord again to let him sleep

Matt sighed and whipped his lips with his sleeve feeling sick as he looked at tord blood stained on the sleeve he grabbed his bowl of melted ice cream and smooched tords head " rest for now..please have sweet dreams " he walked out of the room holding the bowl close to his chest biting his lip hopefully he didn't inject too much that will permanently leave him like that he paled a bit and shook his head and rushed towards the kitchen make himself a new bowl of icecream letting tord sleep for a bit more maybe the wound will be all healed up when he wakes up..

((Part 4 coming soon too but don't worry it won't take as long as this one hopefully is okay sorry for the wait my loves)) 

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