Captured and Alone

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Tord woke up the next day around 6 pm, he woke up with a gasp and sweating heavily, he panted fastly he whipped his forehead and sighed.  He slowly sat up and groaned as he got up holding his side tightly "f-fuck" he gulped and lifted his shirt and frowned at his side, it was so nasty looking it was already nasty looking but now is almost sickening he slowly covered it up with his hoodie and slowly got up from the couch cluntching his side.

Edd walked into the living room and gasped when he saw tord up from the couch he quickily made his way towards him "matt tolled me to give you this before you woke up but I got distracted with Ringo" he nervously chuckled a bit and handed tord a glass of water and have him two pain killers.

Tord grabbed the glass of water but he could barely grip it thanks to the pain in his side, Edd sighed and grabbed tords chin " open up " tord opened his mouth and Edd put the pills into tord mouth and hold the glass of water for him while he drinked the water he pulled on the edge of edds hoodie to signal him to stop. Edd quickily took the glass away from tord and looked at him "the effects should run it's course around ten minutes from now.. Just stay h-"

"Where. Is. He. Edd" edd looked at tord edd had his mouth opened but nothing came out he closed his mouth and sighed "Matt just doesn't want you to wo-" "Matt isn't in charge of me, take me to him edd... Please" edd sighed and made a movement with his hand so tord can follow him.

The backyard

Edd opened the backyard door for tord and tord eyes widened at the scene infront of him..

Tom chained from his arms to his legs

Claw markings everywhere against the ground chuncks of dirt thrown against the fence or just in random placesas if he was trying to dig out the chains.

A long tail swinging from side to side clearly agitated and thumping hard against the ground

A large Tom pulling on the chains and biting them with extremely sharp teeth half of his face covered in purple marking roaring loudly everytime he couldn't yank out the chains .

His arms and legs were a dark shade of purple his arms were way thicker than they use to be, his nails where like cat nails every time he put pressure on his hands large and long nails came out from his hands.

Hes ears were sharp and dark purple not to mentiom those horns is almost terrafying their almost like bull horns but way sharper it looks like it vould pierce anyone and anything.

Tord covered his mouth, he felt sick he felt like was gonna throw up, He felt tears burning in his eyes and swallowing was becoming difficult, breathing was slowly becoming thin to him. He didn't realize he was shaking till Matt grabbed his shoulder and Shook him out of his shock tord looked up at Matt panting fastly.

"Tord are you okay?... Edd I rolled you not to bring him out here!!" Torsd gulped and looked at Tom he was constantly curling up and yanking at the chains like if he was trying to run away or hide.  Tord took the Dare devil move and slowly made his way towards Tom while Matt and edd was arguing.

A little more

A little closer

"Tom.. "

Bam...  Like of the words were said by a murder, tom was screeching loudly roaring and whimpering yanking at the chains, like if he was ....  scared, afraid of tord. Tord looked at tom and tried to lay a hand on his arm and tom only roared louder and whimpered loud struggling against the restraints even more. Tom was terrified of tord. Tord backed away from tom when he saw the monster side of tom trying to attack but normal tom was too terrified to even move, he doesn't want to be seen, he doesn't want to be touched.  Hes a bad monster ,his a ugly bad monster. Those words went on repeat on toms head making him even more angry.

Matt grabbed tord by the arm and pulled him away from tom before he got even more hurt "tord are you crazy!? You already hurt" Matt pouted at tord and tord just rolled his eyes scoffing at Matt yanking his arm off matt's grip and looked at tom. Edd saw this and looked at tom he kinda felt bad for tom, his probably scared and he felt bad for just leaving him out here all night "what are we gonna do with tom we can't just leave him out here, I mean sure he's a monster but that's still tom"

Tord looked at edd and kneeled down edd raised a brow "are you trying to be more small than you already are? " tord growled "IT HELPS ME THINK OKAY!! " edd and Matt chuckled and he just rolled his eyes and looked at tom and tried to think of away he could fix this.  "Hey I know!! " edd yelled out "sense it's almost dinner time why not camp out here with tom, so we don't leave him alone in the freezing night " Matt looked at edd and smiled "you know that's not such a bad idea.. Aslong as we stay away from iiii- i mean tom sense he might attack us" matt scratched the back of his head and eddsmiled " YAY CAMPING!!!  ILL GO ORDER PIZZA !!!"edd yelled and wuickily went inside to order the pizza Matt chuckled and went after him "ILL SET UP THE CAMP ILL MAKE IT LOOK FABULOUS !!" Tord looked at them go inside and softly smiled as they left however he frowned a bit as he looked at tom whimpering and curled up in a ball...

Just how badly he fucked up in the lab?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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