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    Running through the fields abandoned long ago, alone as it has always been for years. Hoping one day to find something of importance to his liking.
    The only friend he had was a small dog he discovered limping around in the fields. But this was 5 years ago and little Spot has grown but still has a light limp.
     Jason lived in an abandoned house tucked away in the woods and fields of tall grass. Surrounded by an old fence. There was no windows in the house and no ceiling so water leaked in during rain storms.
    Jason was tall and had a light tan from being in the sun a lot. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. He was brave, strong, kind, intelligent but he is also very lonely. He is waiting for some action, adventure or just someone else to discover his home and realize what his abandoned life feels like.


A/N: If you guys liked the prologue, the next chapter is coming soon so just sit tight and hold on. 

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