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Jason and Brian's footsteps rang in the concrete hallway. They passed the metal security doors and ran into the check in room. Archer was standing at the desk with a girl. She looked at Jason in shock.

"Jason? Is that you?" The girl asked.

Jason stopped in his tracks and stared at her. Archer whipped out his gun and was ready to shoot Jason. Brian yanked out his gun and shot Archer in the arm. His white shirt started turning red. He lunged for Jason but tripped and fell. Brian looked at Jason. The look in his eyes said it all. Jason ran up to the girl grabbed her sleeve and pulled on it for her to follow.

"Where are we going Jason? What's going on?" She asked.

"We are getting out of here and going to my house."

They ran out the front door and Jason pepper stayed the guards. They kept running and they ran down the road they came from. Jason, Brian and the girl veered of into the woods. After an hour of running they reached Jason's house. Everything was still the same way when they left. The front door was still wide open, the blue stone was still in the bush, and Spot's freshly dug grave was still there.

    They all walked inside and Jason straightened things up. He turned on the lamp in the living room and got some food from the cabinets in the kitchen. They all sat down around the table in the living room table and started discussing what occurred recently. Jason and Brian still had no clue who the girl was.

    "Who are you and how do you know me?" Jason asked out of curiosity.

    "My name is Maria and we grew up together well up until when you're mom died when you were five."

    "I had a mother and she's dead?!?"

A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while. Between school and normal life I've just been so busy and haven't really had the time to write but I finally finished chapter five and I hope you enjoyed it!! :)

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