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Chapter Eleven

I was vaguely aware of my body hitting the floor of the cell but I just didn’t have the energy to pull myself up off the floor, let alone cover my exposed flesh.

“What the hell did you do to her?”  Jaison yelled, his voice practically growling with rage.  He kicked the gate as the guards were walking away.  He yelled obscenities and shook the gate as if it would magically open.  He let out a frustrated yell and backed away from the gate.

He seemed to regain sense of what was important and grabbed the thin sheet off the bed to cover my body.  My skin was raw.  My muscles were sore and tense.  I didn’t even want to think about all the bruises and cuts that were on my body.

I let the tears flow freely, no longer worried about being punished.  I cried and cried until I felt physically sick from all the crying.  Jaison sat inches away with this pained expression on his face.

“Look at me.  Look at me, Mel.  We’re going to be okay.  We’re going to get out of here.  I’m going to take care of you, I swear.”

“Jaison,” I cried.  His hand twitched by his side, like he wanted to touch me and in all honestly, I wanted him to touch me too.  I needed him to pull me into a hug and tell me that everything was going to be okay, even if it wasn’t.

“I can’t touch you, Mel,” he said, sounding beyond frustrated.  “I can’t heal you if I can’t touch you.”  I nodded, knowing that was the boss’s goal.  This was his way of killing two birds with one stone.  Punish me for breaking the rules and torture Jaison with the fact that he can’t use his gift to save me.

A cough tore from my throat, ripping my lungs apart and shattering my ribs.  A whimper seeped out from my lips.  God, everything hurt.

“Damn it,” he swore under his breath.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him scoot his hand closer to mine.  I yanked it away.

“Don’t touch me, please, don’t touch me.  I don’t want you to disappear.”  My voice was wounded, broken, hopeless.

“I have to do something,” he argued.  “I can’t just sit here while you’re writhing in pain.”

I struggled to get enough air into my lungs.  My eyelids were getting so heavy, a ringing in my ears started to echo.  I couldn’t pass out.  If I passed out, Jaison would try to heal me and he would shatter into nothing.

“I’m not worth it, Jaison,” I struggled to say.  “I’m not worth disappearing.”

“No, Mel.  Why would you think that?”  He asked sounding outraged.


“I don’t care who they tell you you are.  I care about you, the real you, Mel.”  His voice was demanding me to believe that I was worth saving.  Begging me to let him heal my broken and battered body.

“I’ve killed people, innocent people, people who didn’t deserve it.  I’m not good, Jaison.  I’m a monster.”  I needed to convince him I wasn’t worth dying over.  I just wasn’t.

“No,” he said forcefully.  “You’re not a monster and you are worth saving.”

“Please,” I begged, feeling my energy drain.  “Please don’t do this.”

“I have to try.”

“No, I’m okay,” I insisted.  “I’m okay.”

“Melinda,” he tried again.

“Don’t be selfish, Jaison.  Just let me heal on my own.  I’m okay, I promise.”

He shook his head as if to fully reject the idea.  I could see the anguish in his eyes.  I countered it with a small smile.  I could feel myself slipping into a dreamlike state.

“Promise me you won’t heal me,” I commanded softly.  He shook his head once again, no doubt not trusting himself to speak.  “Promise, Jase.”

He gave a closed mouthed smile through his watery eyes.

“I promise, princess.”

I gave one last content smile before I drifted off to sleep, not sure if I would ever wake up.


Pic>>> Melinda


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