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I laughed happily as I ran around with my village friends, trying to catch them

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I laughed happily as I ran around with my village friends, trying to catch them.

" I'm coming!" I laughed jokingly as my friends ran away from me, not wanting to get caught. I started chasing them, trying to tag them. My hand reached as far as I could and I touched a girl's back with my finger.

" Tag! You're it!" I smiled triumphantly, pointing my finger at the girl I had tapped. She smiled back mischievously and started chasing me around.

The rest of the children laughed and followed us, giddy with excitement. This was what I loved to do. Playing with my friends with not a care in the world.

Because of the excitement, we hardly realised that we were heading further and further away from the village central, which was where we had started our game of catch. But we didn't care. After all, we were having too much fun and the game seemed like the most important to us then.

Suddenly, a loud scream could be heard, causing us children to stop in our tracks and stare in that direction. " Take cover!" A second later, a gigantic explosion hit smack bang in the middle of the village central, causing all the houses around it to explode as well. We all screamed, not knowing what to do. The ground shook, causing some of the younger kids to fall to the ground, crying their eyes out. Some unstable trees started wobbling precariously before gravity won them over. A cry was hurt as a tree collapsed nearby us, crushing two unfortunate children who happened to be standing under it. My eyes widened, taking a step back from the crushed children. Shock coursed through my entire body as I tried to process what had just happened. Tears ran uncontrollably down my face, blurring my vision.

All around me, screams could be heard as all the children scattered, running off in different directions. Due to the unstable trees that had fallen down, dust had been smacked up and floating around, causing us to cough and choke. The dust floated together, creating a semi fog, which made it hard to discern our whereabouts.

Before I had time to even recover from that first shock, bombs started falling left and right. I screamed as one landed right next to me, beeping softly and blinking. I choked on my tears and started running in the opposite direction, scared for my life. Although I knew there was no way I'd get far enough to escape the bomb's explosion radius, I continued running for my life, knowing that if I didn't, I might as well have given up the only chance to survive.

The bomb's timer started bleeping faster, causing me to yelp and run even faster. The bomb's timer started bleeping at an unhumanly speed. Just as I gave up hope and crouched down with my hands over my head to protect myself as much as I could, the bomb exploded. I waited for pain to fill my entire body before death came to take me away, but surprisingly, nothing happened. I opened my eyes slowly. I was in a globe of water with my two best friends, Umi and Kotori.

" Umi-chan! Kotori-chan! What are you doing here?" I asked, hugging them tightly. The protective globe of water disappeared and Umi looked at me.

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