<< Chapter One >>

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A lone fox roamed an abandoned village, looking left and right. Houses made of stone were barely even visible anymore, covered with so many vines and surrounded by so many trees that it almost looked part of the greenery. A soft pad-pad-pad was audible as the fox navigated through the tangled vines and roots which were creeping across the grassy floor.

At a glance, the fox seemed to blend right into the scene, passing off as just another wild animal exploring the depths of this abandoned village, hoping to find a morsel or two in the corners of old, abandoned stone houses.

However, if you took a closer look, you would notice an uncanny feature about the fox. It's eyes were chartreuse in colour, which was not a common colour of wolves's eyes.

Although a normal person would just shake it off as this being a rare case, the black-haired girl hiding behind a tree knew better. She knew that that was no ordinary fox.

Knowing this, she continued following the fox from a small distance.

The fox continued to tread deeper and deeper into the abandoned village. As she followed the fox cautiously, Nico's eyes reflected both fear and longing.

Nico's mind swelled with familiarity as she treaded through the abandoned village, following the fox. Each and every vine-covered house had a story to it, stories Nico either treasured or preferred not to be reminded of. Every step the fox took led Nico deeper and deeper into the shrubbery, causing more locked up memories to surface from underneath its protective layer in Nico's mind.

Slowly, cautiously, Nico followed the fox deeper into the abandoned village, moving closer and closer towards the building she was most familiar with.

Finally, the building came into view. Nico stared at it blankly for a few seconds, stopping.

" Nico-nico-nii!"

Nico jolted, the memory of her previous catchphrase shaking her. That phrase seemed to be the key to her locked up memories. Everything started bombarding her at once, making her give a small, audible cry.

" Onee-chan, play with us, please!"

" Take care of your siblings, Nico. We'll be back in a bit."

" Nico-nico-nii!"

" Nico-nico-NII!"


The last memory resounded in her head, haunting her memories and replying itself like a broken radio on repeat.

No matter where Nico turned, she couldn't escape the waterfall of memories flooding into her brain. She started to breathing heavily, her hands going straight to her head and clutching it, a reflex she had gained over the years.

" Yay! Onee-chan is the best!"

" Damnit, not now!" Nico cursed silently, her eyes closed, trying to calm herself down as another one of her panic attacks seized her.

Memories started flooding her brain, all of which were reawakened when she saw that particular house.

" Onee-chan, I'm scared."

Revenge [A Love Live AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora