In the Blink of an Eye

77 4 0

September 19, 1811

Dear Journal,

I have planned my attack perfectly this time and I will strike soon. This time I will get him for sure. 

Hopefully, no one else walks by or they'll end up like Naruto and Suigetsu did last week.

Oh, I know I mentioned this at the beginning of the month, but they still won't let me go back into the woods. I mean, come on, I'm a big girl. I can hit an insect 100 ft away with my bow if they asked, so I'm sure I can fend off some animal that's loose in the woods.

Oh, He's coming! I'll write again soon.

P.S. I think Hinata likes Naruto, but that girl is so stubborn. It's like that time I asked my parents where babies came from . . . I was ignored after they babbled about flustered.

Sakura's POV

I wait in silence as Sasuke nears my hiding spot. My breath halts and I slow my heart like they taught me and as soon as he was below me I dropdown.

"Off with your head!" He grabs my arms and flips me over sending me onto my back, "Ow!" I complain as I lift myself up on my forearms, pouting.

"This makes it the 2,550 times," Sasuke states as I lay upon the ground beneath the evil beast.

"I swore that once a day since you took me into captivity I'd try to kill you." He chuckles at the explanation before helping me up, still seeing the small huntsman in his eyes.

"Come, little one, it's time for supper." I make a face at him.

"I am not little anymore, Sasuke." I walk ahead of him before placing my hand over my chest. "I do however need more practice when I silence the beating." In my brief pause, he catches up and ruffles my hair.

"Go put on a dress then come to eat." He says with a pointed look simply earning a frown in response.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" 

He smirks, "It isn't like you are going out tonight, so put on a dress." I threw my hands into the air with a grunt as I stomp to my room to change.

After supper I return to my room and lay back on my soft bed, closing my eyes as a noise echoes throughout the night. On my feet I run to my window and push it open, eyes scanning for the origin of the noise when it happens again and I watch Suigetsu rush out the doors on the lower levels and toward the large barn that houses our horses.

"Miku must be giving birth," Hinata says and I look at her little form and I finally ask her the question on my mind.

"Will you ever tell me what the curse was?" She looks up and smiles at the night sky, the moon shining in her eyes.

"I told you once before." I sigh at her as I cross my arms.

"I know, but how can we break the spell?" I ask and she sits down on the ledge.

"If I knew that I'd have already done it." She explains and I lean on the ledge and rested my face against my arms before looking at her.

"I'm curious..." she looks at me cautiously.

"About what?" I grin at her and bat my eyes.

"Do you, ya'know, like Naruto?" she gasps and looks at me with pale cheeks red as a rose.

"W-what! W-w-why would you ask that!?" she gasps and stutters.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe it was the stuttering, the inability to look him dead in the face and maintain eye contact or could it be the fainting when he gets too close."

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