The Battle of the Beast and the Monster

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Normal POV

Sakura tackles Sasuke to the floor laughing.

"I missed you!" Sasuke was shocked to see Sakura lying on top of him, arms encircling his torso tightly before she sat up smiling at him.

"Sakura? What ar-" he paused as his mark pulsed, "What are you doing here?" Those large green eyes taking in every inch of his being before he pushes her away from him and stands. Her gaze halts on the odd flame marks covering his flawless skin.

"What's wrong?" She asks as she gets up, walking toward him. 

He backs away from her, "Leave!" He hisses.

The tone he used was something he had never used and so she didn't understand the reason as his skin changed pallor, the whites of his eyes became black and irises beaming red. When his canines elongated, and hair lengthened and a black mark formed on his nose.

Sasuke didn't want to hurt her, if only it was someone other than her he could care less, but she had no one to hide behind.

"Why aren't you leaving!?" He growls at her before bracing against a wall, doing everything within his will to stop the change. He hadn't done this since he had first received the mark.

She got this look on her face, and she strode forward defying him yet again and he chuckled to himself as he looked at the stubborn huntsman before him.

"We should've punished you when you didn't listen to us," Sakura looks seriously at Sasuke, "Leave Sakura."

She knelt with him as he slid down the wall before he cries out and falls forward. Orochimaru watches, happy that as he forced the transformation it hurt Sasuke, but what irritated him was the stubborn girl still holding Sasuke as he changed before her.

The very sight of her holding him as he fought to keep the rest at bay the very sight drew a snarl from him.

"Wretched child, always fighting me on things." He appears within the room making Sakura tense, "How sweet, Sasuke." Sasuke looked up at the man who he now knew was the reason for his current situation.

"Damn you, Orochimaru," Sasuke stands, fueled by anger as he tucks Sakura behind him. Sakura grabs the small blade that rests at her hip, a part of her celebratory gift from Tsunade, and watches as Sasuke and Orochimaru move faster than the normal human eye could follow, but she wasn't normal.

Unsheathing the blade forged by the eldest Uzumaki witches she watches as they throw blow for blow, leaving wounds that faded, but it was when she observed Orochimaru and Sasuke pull out blades like her own. The only type of weapon that can wound and kill a vampire is that forged by magic.

She let them battle it out as she removed the cloak she wore, undid the hilt of the small blade, and drop the blade before she began to spin it as she waited for an opening, she would have to thank that lazy vampire hermit Naruto drug over often for teaching her strategy was key.

Sasuke swung and burst lightning at Orochimaru giving her the opening she needed. The blade flies where she wanted it, wrapping around his ankle and she yanked with all her strength. He came down to a knee, but she didn't account for him grabbing the chain and yanking her forward in the process. 

Only a sword and her quiver stood between her and the snake. Sasuke stops the blade that rested right over Sakura's heart as Orochimaru held her in front of him.

"Game over, Sasuke."

Sakura's POV

Time seemed to freeze and my heart sank as Orochimaru stabs Sasuke who appears before us.

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